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Archive for July, 2007

there’s a bit of a discussion going on over on Cederlounge at the moment, around Fergus Finlay’s comments that Ireland needs a new national anthem. Fergus is of course, as always, correct. And, if I may, I’d like to throw my two shillelaghs into the pot, with my own personal choice.

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One can today easily demonstrate that there can be no valid derivation of a law of nature from any finite number of facts; but we still keep reading about scientific theories being proved from facts. Why this stubborn resistance to elementary logic?
There is a very plausible explanation. Scientists want to make their theories respectable, deserving […]

icon for podpress  Stockholm: Play Now | Play in Popup

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Bookselling Out

Inspired by this thread I went out to Blackrock and was just in time before Carraig Books closed for lunch. I got two excellent second hand books: one, a Four Courts hardback, Reading Irish Histories, Texts, Contexts and Memory in Modern Ireland, which feeds directly into Conor’s original Reveries post.
The books editor […]

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I was in my local take-away on Prospect road, Glasnevin, tonight, and there was an Evening Herald out on the counter. So, while I was waiting for my order, (pork in black-bean sauce if you must know), I had a flick through and came across an article they had done on Irish household incomes. It […]

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Last week I put up an article on class in Ireland, based around the 2006 census figures. A few people, in particular, Niall, Simon from the Dossing times and Irish Election, and Pavement Trauma, raised points of criticism around my methodology. Instead of taking those criticisms on board, I got angry and said and did […]

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It seems that lately, when people in Ireland are talking about the Irish housing market a certain darkness passes over their faces. Up until recently, however, the housing market chatter was very bright and cheerful as those people who had struggled ten years previously to buy their house in Dublin, for example, now speculated about […]

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So, on Monday, with less than a day before polls close, I was looking at the ballot paper for the Dublin University constituency of the Seanad. I was fairly sure for which candidates I was going to vote, but my misgiving was this: should I vote at all?
I’m a firm believer in the importance of […]

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Last Saturday afternoon, having nothing more on my mind than a short stint of browsing, I found myself on O’Connell Street, watching the unfurling of two separate but equal banners. One was for a “Justice for the Bellanboy 3” rally, the other was part of a “know your rights” campaign by the Independent Workers Union. […]

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(All figures available from the Central Statistics Office website, here.

The census figures show an Ireland that is undergoing huge change, but not quite in the way we have been told. First of all, the actual number of non-nationals employed in construction challenges the “common sense” view that it is all Poles and Latvians on our […]

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Inspired by a combination of Conor’s Forgotten Irish Bands posts, WorldbyStorm’s post about the reforming of The Jesus and Mary Chain and the fact that I just got a new stereo with a record player, I decided last night to dig out a box of records I had in the shed.
I’ve moved house several […]

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icon for podpress  Hit/Psychocandy: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Just Like Honey/Head: Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  Cracked/Just Like Honey (Demo): Play Now | Play in Popup

icon for podpress  You Trip Me Up: Play Now | Play in Popup

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