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Archive for December, 2006

There is something telling about the fact that footage of Saddam Hussein’s execution should appear on bit torrent sites before CNN, BBC, or even al-Jazeera. On one level it’s just another death in Iraq, and as such is nothing more than the sniper shots, roadside bombs, and rocket attacks that already proliferate web 2.0. But […]

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Open Season

The Irish traveller shooting season is to be regulated from now on, according to officials close to the government. Instead of shooting wild travellers, the government is to press for the introduction of traveller farms, where travellers can be raised in a controlled and humane environment, before being let go to knock on the doors […]

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A very long time ago on this blog, there was mention of a certain Twenty Major and his almost Proustian interest* in the naming of female genitalia. In a spirit of digression, this reminded me of a poetry class back in college where the brandname of ‘Silk Cut’ cigarettes was referred to.
In Elizabethan times a […]

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Having started the idea of people posting reviews of their favourite books of the year it seems ridiculous that it’s taken me so long to get around to writing my own. And I won’t be able to do it today either.
Instead, and in a purely provisional way, I’m providing a quick guide to some of […]

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Popping Corks 2…

Pinochet’s Guardian obituary makes interesting reading and there’s a vague Irish angle too. Pinochet, as head of the ruling junta after the 1973 coup, decided to assume the defunct rank of Capitan-general.
The rank had only previously been “held…by the Liberator of the country from the Spanish in the early 1800s, Bernardo O’Higgins”. Pinochet also had […]

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Popping Corks 1…

France 24, the new Anglo-French news service was launched on the 6th of December. According to its Wikipedia entry the news channel ‘wants to put more emphasis on debate, dialogue and the role of cultural difference’. One way they claim to do this is to put a special emphasis on ‘new media’, which translates in […]

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Would you believe it, I had another article loitering in my memory stick. This thing is great. I only wish everytime I looked in it that there were a couple of articles ready to go. Unfortunately, I have to write the fecking things first. Now lets see, is there anything else in there I can […]

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I Hate Conspiracy Theories

It’s amazing what you can find in your memory stick. I’d written the article below earlier in the week and completely forgotten about it. I’m going to be busy soon enough and won’t have that much time for posting so I might as well clear the decks, so to speak.
I hate conspiracy theories. They have […]

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A Trip to the Dentist

Jose Padilla is a Muslim convert and US citizen who the Bush Administration accuses of planning a dirty bomb attack. He has remained in jail for 4 years without charges. The New York Times reported on Monday the 4th that his defense lawyers have upped the ante, by calling for the charges now brought against […]

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Because of the variety of topics covered on this blog some very strange Google searches bring visitors here. Admittedly some are just curious about an article that discusses the possibility of a horse shitting on a dwarf. Who can blame them?
With the advent of Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert and a host of others […]

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