
Archives: July 2013

Top Ten Ways Bradley Manning Changed the World

Bradley Manning will be sentenced today, having been found guilty of 20 counts on Tuesday, including espionage (despite the lack of evidence for intent to spy and the lack of evidence that…
Kenya turns to Geothermal Green Energy (Video)

Kenya turns to Geothermal Green Energy (Video)

Kenya is blessed with a great deal of hydroelectric power, but its electricity needs outstrip that source's ability to supply them, a problem that will only grow worse in coming years. One…
All Hell Breaks Loose in Libya

All Hell Breaks Loose in Libya

Over the weekend, all hell broke loose in Libya, in worrying ways that suggest that the government is entering new depths of paralysis and incompetence, and the terrorist cells based in Benghazi…
Can Christianity Survive in the New Iraq?  (Teule)

Can Christianity Survive in the New Iraq? (Teule)

Larry McGill writes at ISLAMiCommentary Herman Teule There are sizeable Christian minorities in several Middle Eastern countries with Muslim majorities, but the numbers of Christians may be diminishing. This Spring, Duke’s Department…
Guns and Sissified Punks (Friday Scene)

Guns and Sissified Punks (Friday Scene)

From the 1995 stoner movie "Friday": The father [John Witherspoon] of Craig Jones [Ice Cube] warns him against carrying a gun in the local neighborhood if he wants to be a real…

A Century of America’s Imperial Deep State (McCoy)

Alfred W. McCoy writes at The American surveillance state is now an omnipresent reality, but its deep history is little known and its future little grasped.  Edward Snowden’s leaked documents reveal…
How Internet Censorship Really Works

How Internet Censorship Really Works

The Berkman Center points out that the internet is not a public space. It is a private space that tolerates some public speech; but not all public speech. Often there is no…
Dubai’s Underwater Hotel

Dubai’s Underwater Hotel

Construction of the Water Discus underwater hotel of Dubai may be begun soon, and it will be finished in five years, according to Colin Simpson of the UAE's The National. This video…