
Archives: March 2016

Are Belgian Nuclear Plants vulnerable to Terrorism?

Are Belgian Nuclear Plants vulnerable to Terrorism?

By Robert J Downes and Daniel Salisbury | (The Conversation) | - - Belgium’s counter-terrorism efforts are once again being called into question following the recent tragedies in Brussels. The attacks were…

After Brussels, the Strategy of ISIL/ Daesh

By Paul Rogers | (OpenDemocracy) | - - Tunisia, Paris, and now Brussels: escalating attacks on western targets reflect a shift of focus by ISIL. The security consultancy IHS Jane’s has just…
The Way American Media covers Attacks

The Way American Media covers Attacks

Sana Saeed | (AJ+ Video report) | - - "Why is American media so biased in the way it covers attacks in Europe compared to how it covers the rest of the…

Obama in Historic Tour of Old Havana

TeleSur | - - Obama will spend two and half days in Cuba, where he will meet with U.S.-backed activists and attend a baseball game. U.S. President Barack Obama, together with First…
Syria’s Kurds to declare Federal Province

Syria’s Kurds to declare Federal Province

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Syria's Kurds have decided to declare a federal province in the northeast of the country and along the northern border with Turkey. Many…
Why is Putin Really withdrawing from Syria?

Why is Putin Really withdrawing from Syria?

By Alexander Titov | (The Conversation) | - - Back in September 30 2015, when Vladimir Putin unexpectedly announced the deployment of the Russian air force in Syria, the consensus was that…
The American Muslims Trump doesn’t Know About

The American Muslims Trump doesn’t Know About

Bridge Initiative Team | (Bridge) | - - In an interview with Donald Trump that aired on Wednesday on CNN, Anderson Cooper asked the Republican presidential frontrunner if he thought “Islam is…

Syria: More US Weaponry goes to al-Qaeda

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - al-Akhbar (Beirut) reports that al-Qaeda in the Lands of the Levant, also known as the Support Front (jabhat al-Nusra), repeated scenarios it had…
Who made it OK to Hate Muslims?

Who made it OK to Hate Muslims?

Dena Takruri | (AJ+ ) | - - "Donald Trump openly hates on Muslims, but you might be surprised at who else has used Islamophobia during their presidential campaigns." AJ+: "Who Made…
Does Fracking give you Cancer?

Does Fracking give you Cancer?

By Tom Giesen | (Informed Comment) | - - Alarming and world-shaking new findings have emerged about the dangers of waste water from hydraulic fracturing ("fracking"). Researchers have assessed the potential health…
Nine Takeaways From Iran’s Elections

Nine Takeaways From Iran’s Elections

By Golnaz Esfandiari | ( RFE/RL) | - - Iran's moderates and reformists have had nearly a week to celebrate their return from a decade of political marginalization in elections that recast…
5 Surprising Truths about Terrorism

5 Surprising Truths about Terrorism

By Joseph S. Nye | (Project Syndicate) | - - SAO PAULO – American politics has been captured by terrorists. In December 2015, polls showed that one in six Americans, some 16%…