
Archives: August 2016

Trump, the Big Easy, and the Environment

By Arlie Russell Hochschild | ( ) | - - [This essay has been adapted from Arlie Hochschild’s new book, Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American…

The Great Mexican Wall Deception

By Todd Miller | ( | - - At the federal courthouse, Ignacio Sarabia asks the magistrate judge, Jacqueline Rateau, if he can explain why he crossed the international boundary between the…
The Short-Lived Russia-Iran Axis

The Short-Lived Russia-Iran Axis

By Michael G. Roskin | (Informed Comment) | - - Russian use of an Iranian airbase led some to see a Russia-Iran axis. They jumped the gun and surmised too much. In…
Trump and Extreme Vetting of Muslims

Trump and Extreme Vetting of Muslims

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - In an attempt at a foreign policy speech in Youngstown, Ohio, on Monday, Donald Trump attempted to get back to his fearmongering roots…
Black Lives Matter Protests in Palestine

Black Lives Matter Protests in Palestine

TeleSur | - - BLM argued that police violence and killings against Black people in the U.S. are connected to the decades-long Israeli oppression of Palestinians. Activists from the Black Lives Matter…

Donald Trump Knows Nothing About Muslims

By Joseph Richard Preville | (Informed Comment) | - - I am an American professor living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Like millions of people around the world, I watched both…