
Archives: July 2009

Afghanistan See Attacks Rise on Eve of Election

Update: Taliban in Kunduz in Afghanistan's north attempted to assassinate warlord Muhammad Qasim Fahim on Sunday, but failed. One of his bodyguards was wounded in the attack. There are few Taliban in…

Kurdistan Elections fateful for Iraq

Aljazeera English reports on the Kurdistan elections:For the first time in recent memory, the two major Kurdish parties (which are in a sense clans and clan allies) are facing significant opposition, as…

Ahmadinejad Bows to Khamenei on First Vice President

This issue of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's appointment of Esfandiyar Rahim-Masha'i as his first vice president came to a head on Friday. Rahim-Masha'i, the father of Ahmadinejad's daughter-in-law, had offended the hard liners…

Al-Maliki’s Goals on his American Visit

What did Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki want from his visit to New York City and Washington, DC? Al-Zaman [The Times of Baghdad] makes some suggestions in this regard.First, he wants the United…

Khamenei Warns Elite against Public Turmoil

Borzou Daragahi of the LAT explains that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned Monday that the opposition must cease its campaign of civil disobedience. AP argues that the struggle in Iran has moved…

Peaceful Pilgrimage Day a big win for Obama

President Barack Obama's withdrawal strategy for Iraq got a big bump this weekend, when the Iraqi military and police presided over massive gatherings of pilgrims from the provinces in the capital, and…

Hard Liners Slam Rafsanjani

Today's news is that Iran's hard liners are not happy. AP reports that Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi accused former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani of encouraging further street protests by not condemning them in…

Rafsanjani’s Steps to Resolve Iran’s Crisis

What was Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani trying to say in his Friday prayers sermon? (The text is below).The reform movement and its allies among pragmatic conservatives have developed a narrative about Khomeinist Iran.…

Rafsanjani’s Friday Prayers Sermon

The USG Open Source Center translates the second, political, portion of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's Friday prayers sermon.Iran: Rafsanjani Calls For Release of Detainees; Hopes To Resolve Current 'Crisis'Second Friday Prayer sermon delivered…

Video of Protests

Tehran Bureau has a collection of this and other amateur video from Friday in Iran. Posted at Youtube 7/17: The URL of Nico Pitney's live blog of Iran events has changed, it…

Aljazeera Video Report on Friday’s Events in Iran

Aljazeera English now has a video report on Rafsanjani's sermon and the Friday protests:Ghanbar Naderi points out that Rafsanjani has a long history of flip-flopping between the hard line and reformist camps.…

Rafsanjani Sermon Summarized

The USG Open Source Center summarizes Rafsanjani's sermon on Friday. Full translation to follow.FYI -- Iran's Rafsanjani Gives Tehran Friday SermonsCorrected version; providing updated processing plans for full text in final paraVoice…

Eyewitness in Tehran

Made my way down the west side of Laleh Park, large crowed was gathered around a radio listening to Rafi [Rafsanjani] give the sermons, moved down to Keshavarz Blvd, were people had…

Tamaddon Condemns Attack on Karroubi

AFP has more on the beating and cursing by hard liners or the Basij militia of Mehdi Karroubi, a reformist cleric and two-time presidential candidate, before Friday prayers in Tehran. A pre-election…

Cell Phone Service Blocked in Downtown Tehran

The USG Open Source Center translates an item from the opposition press alleging that the regime turned off cell phone service before Friday prayers in downtown Tehran.FYI -- Website Reports Mobile Phones…

Friday’s Sermon Fateful for Iran

Former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's sermon at Friday prayers in Tehran on Friday will be closely watched for the signals he sends about the future of Iran. Although he is a strong…

Hotel Bombings in Jakarta Kill at Least 9, Wound Dozens

ITN reports on the bombings at hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia on Friday morning: Aljazeera English has a detailed interview with an eyewitness survivor:The difference between Friday morning's strikes and previous bombings in…

After a Hiatus, a President at NAACP

AP provides video of a memorable moment in President Barack Obama's address to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People:What a difference a few years make. George W. Bush repeatedly…

Conservative Hypocrisy on Race & Sotomayor

The tactic of congressional conservatives, of portraying Sonia Sotomayor as a reverse racist for her 'wise Latina' comment, has so many holes in it that you could make a Swiss cheese sandwich…

Israel in Trouble with Europe

Signs are appearing in Europe that the Israeli hawks are finding it more difficult to operate with impunity. Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli military attack on virtually defenseless Gaza last winter appears…

Demonstrators Tear-Gassed, Fired On

Hundreds of protesters braved tear gas and even some live fire to march toward Tehran University on Thursday, commemorating a crushed student protest movement of 1999 a s well as protesting the…

OSC: Khamenei Blames Iran Discord on West

The USG Open Source Center translates the speech on Monday by Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in which he denounces what he calls Western attempts to foment discord in Iran.. . .…

Mary Maguire Speaks from Israeli Jail

Aljazeera English reports on the activists abducted by Israel as they attempted to deliver food and other civilian aid to Gaza, which is under a debilitating blockade by Israel.This site explains the…

OSC: Shariatmadari: Try Mousavi and Karroubi

The USG Open Source Center translates a hard line editorial by an adviser to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, calling for opposition leaders Mir Hosain Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi to be put on…

Mediterranean Piracy on the Fourth

US hostages held in foreign country on Fourth of July, including a former Congresswoman, after having been captured in a naked act of piracy in international waters after the Americans attempted to…

Remembering Iran’s Protests on the 4th of July

Remembering the protests in Iran in pictures and film on the occasion of the America Declaration of Independence:Aljazeera English on "Mousavi and the Masses", part I:Mousavi and the Masses," Part II:Parnaz &…

Saddam, the FBI and Cliocide in Iraq

Joyce Battle (with help from Brendan McQuade) has posted twenty interviews of Saddam Hussein by the FBI to the National Security Archives at George Washington University, having done the hard work of…

Iran: Mousavi Remains Defiant; Journalists Held

Reuters reports that Iranian opposition leader Mir Hosain Mousavi is continuing to assert that the newly formed second-term government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is illegitimate. He called for a lifting of censorship…

Coda: Final Dispatch from Tehran

This message was received by email from Tehran three hours ago. I have anonymized it and made a couple of orthographical corrections and am passing it on for what it is worth.…