
Archives: Human Rights Watch

Do Egyptians have any Rights Left at All? – HRW

Do Egyptians have any Rights Left at All? – HRW

Human Rights Watch | - - (Beirut) – Egyptian authorities in recent weeks have arrested at least 50 peaceful political activists, blocked at least 62 websites, and opened a criminal prosecution against…
Iraq: ISIS Dumped Hundreds in Mass Grave

Iraq: ISIS Dumped Hundreds in Mass Grave

Via Human Rights Watch | - - Security Forces, Prisoners, Women, Among Those Executed (Erbil) – The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) executed and dumped the bodies of possibly hundreds of…
Yemen: Saudis Using US Cluster Munitions

Yemen: Saudis Using US Cluster Munitions

Human Rights Watch | - - End Production, Transfer of These Banned Weapons (Washington, DC) – Saudi Arabia has used US-made cluster munitions near civilian areas in Yemen, leaving behind unexploded submunitions,…
Don’t Be Fooled by Saudi’s Reshuffle

Don’t Be Fooled by Saudi’s Reshuffle

By Adam Coogle | (Human Rights Watch) | - King Salman’s promotion of his nephew Mohammed bin Nayef to the position of crown prince and heir apparent marks a change of direction…