
Archives: November 2008

Mumbai Attacks and Indian Economy

Aljazeera English reports on the potential economic impact of the Mumbai attacks.I don't think there are long-term economic implications of the attack as long as Mumbai authorities put in basic security in…

Mumbai Attacks and Indian Economy

Aljazeera English reports on the potential economic impact of the Mumbai attacks.I don't think there are long-term economic implications of the attack as long as Mumbai authorities put in basic security in…

Voting on Security Agreement Postponed

The Iraqi parliament did not take up with security agreement on Wednesday, delaying the vote until at least Thursday. The ruling clique is negotiating with the largest Sunni Arab coalition, the Iraqi…

Voting on Security Agreement Postponed

The Iraqi parliament did not take up with security agreement on Wednesday, delaying the vote until at least Thursday. The ruling clique is negotiating with the largest Sunni Arab coalition, the Iraqi…

Queen Rania’s Top Ten List

Queen Rania of Jordan has for some time had her own channel on youtube and has done a number of broadcasts attempting to clarify the reality of Islam, to present a modernist…

Terrorist atttacks in Mumbai

Coordinated attacks have been launched in Mumbai (Bombay) on tourist hotels and sites, leaving over a dozen dead. Some of the attacks were with machine guns, others with bombs. Two of the…

Bush and Rant on Red Sea Piracy

Piracy by Somali pirates in the Red Sea region threatens to reduce world trade through the Suez Canal by about a third, and could raise petroleum prices again if the smaller oil…

SOFA Vote Set for Wednesday;

The Iraqi parliament has postponed its vote on the proposed US-Iraq security pact from Monday to Wednesday. MPs had complained that there were not given enough time to study its provisions. It…

Afghanistan: Green Energy?

The US is helping put wind turbines into the Panjshir Valley to help Afghanistan with alternative energy. Aljazeera English asks if it is really working, and who would benefit:

Iran: Seven Faces of a Civilization

Check out the video: Iran, Seven Faces of a Civilization. 'Beyond the gate of time lies a civilization with seven thousand years of celebrated heritage.A cradle of civilization a tolerant world empire…

Iran: Seven Faces of a Civilization

Check out the video: Iran, Seven Faces of a Civilization. 'Beyond the gate of time lies a civilization with seven thousand years of celebrated heritage.A cradle of civilization a tolerant world empire…

Dubai: Party on, Dude

Even though Dubai's boom has turned to bust, the emirate known for its gaudy exuberance, which comedian Jon Stewart once called 'what happens when Saudi Arabia and Las Vegas have a baby,'…

Joint Experts’ Statement on Iran

Below is a statement on Iran that I and others are hoping will be adopted in Washington as a way forward. Any of my readers who has a way of getting this…

Zawahiri: Obama is the anti-Malcolm X

Ayman al-Zawahiri attacked Barack Obama in a video released on the internet on Tuesday. Fox News reprinted the whole transcript here. I'm a little bit confused by this step, since I thought…

Ghoul’s Glossary: Vice President

Vice President: n. Political chief in charge of committing vice. The official can fulfill his public duties by committing a wide range of sins or crimes, including murder and treason (see Burr,…

Is al-Maliki Creating a Personal Militia in Iraq?

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Kurdish press complaining that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has been busily creating his own tribally based private militias, called 'Isnad,' and is…

Daily Beast

Check out the terrific new politics and news site The Daily Beast.

Iran’s Sudden Support for Iraq-US Security Pact

Omid Memarian explains Iran's turnaround on the Iraqi-US security agreement, which it was rejecting only last month: 'Obama's victory disarms leaders such as Ahmadinejad, who for decades have used inefficient American foreign…

Somali Pirates Take Saudi Tanker

Somali pirates have hijacked a Saudi oil super-tanker off the coast of Kenya and are steering it toward a Somali port. SomaliaRiyadh

New Regional Struggle between Iran & al-Qaeda?

Some observers are speculating that the abduction of an Iranian diplomat in Peshawar, northern Pakistan, may signal a new conflict between Iran and al-Qaeda or the Taliban.In the growing diplomatic tiff between…

New Regional Struggle between Iran & al-Qaeda?

Some observers are speculating that the abduction of an Iranian diplomat in Peshawar, northern Pakistan, may signal a new conflict between Iran and al-Qaeda or the Taliban.In the growing diplomatic tiff between…

Taliban: Obama same as Bush

A Taliban suicide bomber detonated his payload at the entrance of a government building in Dand near Qandahar, killing 2 policemen and a civilian. Aljazeera English reports on Taliban activities near Qandahar…

Taliban: Obama same as Bush

A Taliban suicide bomber detonated his payload at the entrance of a government building in Dand near Qandahar, killing 2 policemen and a civilian. Aljazeera English reports on Taliban activities near Qandahar…

Obama ‘Commander-in-Chief’ on Fox?

Since Bush was elevated by the Supreme Court in 2000, we've heard Fox Cable News (a failed conspiracy of media billionaire Rupert Murdoch to move the US public to the far right)…

Obama ‘Commander-in-Chief’ on Fox?

Since Bush was elevated by the Supreme Court in 2000, we've heard Fox Cable News (a failed conspiracy of media billionaire Rupert Murdoch to move the US public to the far right)…

Afghan article says US Bin-Ladin hunt phoney

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Persian Afghan press alleging that French troops were at one point close to capturing Usamah Bin Ladin in Afghanistan, but that American…

Afghan article says US Bin-Ladin hunt phoney

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Persian Afghan press alleging that French troops were at one point close to capturing Usamah Bin Ladin in Afghanistan, but that American…

A Quantum of Anti-Imperialism

The reviews of director Marc Forster's "Quantum of Solace" have complained about the film's hectic pace (reminiscent of Doug Liman's and Paul Greengrass's Bourne thrillers), about the humorlessness of Daniel Craig's Bond,…

A Quantum of Anti-Imperialism

The reviews of director Marc Forster's "Quantum of Solace" have complained about the film's hectic pace (reminiscent of Doug Liman's and Paul Greengrass's Bourne thrillers), about the humorlessness of Daniel Craig's Bond,…

Obama on Economic Crisis

President-Elect Obama addresses the nation on the economic crisisThe thing that worries me most is that Bush is still making policy. It should be remembered that the banks failed and produced a…

Obama on Economic Crisis

President-Elect Obama addresses the nation on the economic crisisThe thing that worries me most is that Bush is still making policy. It should be remembered that the banks failed and produced a…

Transfer $5000 and Bush Likes to Watch

Maybe this is the reason the Bush administration illegally spied on Elliot Spitzer's bank transfers despite lack of any evidence he was doing anything wrong?

Dubai Goes Bust; Is there a Silver Lining?

IHT reports on the way the economic slowdown is affecting Dubai (which unlike other members of the United Arab Emirates does not have much petroleum). Some citizens of the emirate see the…

How Now Brown Cloud

"Atmospheric brown clouds" stretch from Dubai to Shanghai; they reduce crop yields by blocking sunlight,and contribute to extreme weather that also hurts agriculture. The polluted clouds come from burning fossil fuels. USA…

Obama Faces Major Challenge in Afghanistan/ Pakistan

Karen DeYoung of the Washington Post reports that Obama is considering a regional approach to the Afghanistan war that would extend to negotiating with Iran and with "reconcilable" elements of the Taliban.Certainly,…

Abnormality Besieges Palestinians

The UN warns that it is running out of food to distribute in Gaza, putting the civilian population there at severe risk, as a direct result of an Israeli food blockade.A food…

US Documents on Iran Nukes Forged?

I'm shocked, shocked that allegations are emerging at the International Atomic Energy Agency that US-supplied "documents" from a laptop acquired in 2004 indicating a secret Iranian weapons program were probably forgeries.The IAEA…

No More Monsters on T.V. has taken up my call from last week for the television networks to avoid inviting commentary from politicians who are criminals of various sorts. (I hear the snickers; yes, there would…

US Military Admits it Killed 37 Civilians

The US military has admitted to having killed 37 civilians during an air raid on militants at Shah Wali Kot in Afghanistan last week.Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called on Barack Obama…

Brother Sun

Implementing solar power in the greater Mediterranean, with the Sahara generating Germany's energy, may contribute to Middle East peace.

Palin Attacks Provoked Assassination Plots on Obamas

Unnamed Secret Service field officers have revealed to the press that Sarah Palin's attacks on President-Elect Obama provoked numerous white supremecist assassination plots against him:'The Republican vice presidential candidate attracted criticism for…

Obama and Iran

President-elect Barack Obama said Friday that "Iran's development of a nuclear weapon, I believe is unacceptable. . . Iran's support of terrorist organizations, I think is something that has to cease."What I…

Rather on the Broken US News Industry

Dan Rather blames the decline of television news in the US on media consolidation and the corporate bottom line. Rather prescribes greater courage on the part of journalists, but that seems to…

Monsters on Television

Paul Krugman, among my favorite political commentators, has spoken forthrightly of how during the past few years we have had "monsters" in office, naming Tom Delay, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. He…

Karzai: President Obama, Stop this Bombing

Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on president-elect Barack Obama to reverse the increasing US and NATO dependence on air strikes to combat anti-government guerrillas. The call came in the wake of reports…

Pakistan on Obama: Hope and Trepidation

Pakistan's president, Asaf Ali Zardari, and its prime minister Sayyid Raza Yusuf Gilani, gave a warm welcome to Barack Obama as US president. They recently maneuvered military dictator Pervez Musharraf out of…

The Ordinariness of Revolution

Nabil Al-Tikriti writes in a guest op-ed for IC:All day they came. And came. On this overcast Tuesday wave after wave of “real Americans” quietly queued up in determination to rattle the…

Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

Wouldn't it be nice if Jack, Martin, Bobby, Cesar and Patsy could have been around to see it?

The Ghoul’s Glossary: the 2008 Election

Alaska: The only one of the 50 states where secessionists are considered American patriots rather than traitors.Catholic working class: Synonym for "feminist."Communist: 1. A believer in a graduated income tax ("Communists" include…

Obama’s Grandmother Dies

Condolences to Senator Barack Obama on the passing of his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who was in so many ways a mother to him, as well.


I do courtesy links time to time for members of the liberal blogads network, and today's recommendation is CultureKitchen for their posting on the Minnesota senatorial contest between Al Franken and Norm…

The Coming McCain Military Draft

There has been almost no discussion in the press about the broader implications of John McCain's military policies.McCain wants to keep a large military contingent in Iraq for some years to come.He…

Pakistanis Are Closed Following Us

Pakistanis are closely following the US presidentail elections, according to Aljzeera English.Centcom commander Gen. David Petraeus is visiting Pakistan to discuss the security situation. Pakistan with pressure the next US president to…

Al-Maliki Confident of US Withdrawal

McCain says that victory is in sight in Iraq. In contrast, Iraqi PM Nuri al-Malki says that at US troop withdrawal is in sight. Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that Kurdish MP Mahmud…

Afghanistan: Next President’s Top Challenge

The British commander of an elite special operations unit in Afghanistan, Major Sebastian Morley, has resigned over what he says is the inadequate equipment given by the British government to his troops,…

Palin Pranked

Sarah Palin gets pranked by a comedy team from Montreal pretending to be French President Nicolas Sarkozy.Scariest things about the interview:1. Palin laughs pleasantly when "Sarkozy" says he loves to kill little…

Sanchez asks Goldfarb a Question

CNN's Rick Sanchez asks McCain campaign flack Michael Goldfarb to give specifics when he claims that Barack Obama pals around with antisemites; Goldfarb crashes and burns.Some have criticized Sanchez for stipulating that…

Olbermann: McCain/ Khalidi

Keith Olbmermann on how the McCain campaign's sleazy attack on Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi backfired when it turned out that McCain had given Khalidi's non-profit over $400,000Remember, buy Khalidi's "Iron Cage:…