
Archives: November 2011

Iranian Students attack British Embassy

Iranian Students attack British Embassy

Persons portraying themselves as angry Iranian students occupied the yard and foyer of the British embassy in Tehran on Tuesday, as well as a smaller facility where six embassy employees appear briefly…

Letter on Bahrain to Secretary Clinton

The Project on Middle Esst Democracy has written a letter to Secretary of State Clinton on the Bahrain crisis, which I co-signed. It asks the US take seriously the findings of severe…

Democratic Developments in the Arab Upheavals

The Arab upheavals of 2011 have been very different from one another across countries, but have in common a language of parliamentary democracy as the ultimate ideal (albeit one that sounds more…

Assassinating Dreams in Egypt: Amr

Ahmed Amr writes in a guest op-ed for Informed Comment: Nostalgia for more innocent times is a comforting refuge when hope is scarce. last week, as we inhaled a toxic dose of…

Empire by the Numbers

Number of Pakistani troops killed at checkpoint Saturday by a US helicopter raid from Afghanistan: 25 Number of NATO supply trucks allowed to cross from Pakistan to Afghanistan Saturday: 0 Number of…

Beeman: Letter from Iran

This is the second in a series of letters written this week from Iran by University of Minnesota Professor William Beeman. Since Americans hear so little directly from that country in their…

Egyptian Revolution 2.0?

Egypt is virtually rudderless as morning breaks on Tuesday. Interim prime minister Essam Sharaf and his cabinet tendered their resignations in protest against the use of violence against protesters in Tahrir Square.…
Top Developments in the Arab Spring Today

Top Developments in the Arab Spring Today

1. Egypt's security police and other forces are alleged to have killed 13 persons and wounded hundreds more at Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo as they systematically cleared it of protesters. The…
Army vs. People in Egypt

Army vs. People in Egypt

Thousands of protesters in and around Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo clashed for a second day on Sunday with Egyptian security forces, with some 18 arrested in the morning hours. Protests are…
Only Green Energy Can Save Yemen

Only Green Energy Can Save Yemen

No one gives any credence to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh's pledge on Monday to step down in 90 days, since he's made such commitments before and reneged on them. The Yemeni…
Herman Cain Painfully Clueless on Libya

Herman Cain Painfully Clueless on Libya

Herman Cain more or less admits that he has no idea what he would have done about the Libyan Revolution and no idea whether his criticisms of Obama on the conduct of…
Arab League Sets Syria for Suspension

Arab League Sets Syria for Suspension

The Arab League initiated the suspension of Syria's membership on Saturday, giving Damascus three days to cease shooting down Syrian demonstrators or else the country would be isolated, with AL members withdrawing…

The Little Iran Nuclear Report that Couldn’t

A key allegation in the IAEA report on Iranian nuclear activities has fallen apart. Gareth Porter has been able to use interviews and other material to demonstrate that Vyacheslav Danilenko, a Russian…
Netanyahu a “Liar”:  Sarkozy

Netanyahu a “Liar”: Sarkozy

French President Nicolas Sarkozy was recently overheard talking to President Obama and complaining that he couldn't stand Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, whom he called a "liar." President Obama didn't seem in…
Newt’s new Crusade against the Arab Spring

Newt’s new Crusade against the Arab Spring

Newt Gingrich's poll numbers and fund-raising have improved recently, as the GOP faithful continue their quest for an ABM (not anti-ballistic missile but "Anyone but Mitt"). Gingrich in turn has begun trying…

Berube on Libya and the Left

Michael Berube does a post-mortem on Libya and the Left, and what he finds is not a pretty picture. Woolly thinking, outrageous lies, moon-eyed Qaddafi-worship, false equivalences, and simplistic proxies for actual…

Israel’s Strangulation of Gaza by the Numbers

The Israeli navy illegally interfered with Gaza aid ships on the high seas, Friday, kidnapping the people on the two vessels and sending the ships involuntarily to an Israeli port. The Geneva…

Would Obama Greenlight an Israeli Attack on Iran?

The Israeli press notes that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and maverick Defense Minister Ehud Barak have been talking up a possible Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities. No one knows…
UNESCO Palestine Vote Isolates US Further

UNESCO Palestine Vote Isolates US Further

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized Palestine as a full member on Monday setting off a crisis between the United States and the United Nations that seems likely to…