
Archives: March 2017

Why $54 bn for Pentagon won’t fix US Security

By Rajan Menon | ( ) | - - Donald Trump’s supporters believe that his election will end business as usual in Washington. The self-glorifying Trump agrees and indeed his has,…

The Untold Violence of the Pax Americana

John W. Dower | ( | - - [This essay is adapted from “Measuring Violence,” the first chapter of John Dower’s new book, The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since…

The Arab Spring and the Western Winter

Ishac Diwan | (Project Syndicate) | - - BEIRUT – There are many striking parallels between the “Arab Spring” that began in 2010 and the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the election of…
The Russian Job:  The Plot Thickens

The Russian Job: The Plot Thickens

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - An avalanche of news about the connection of key Trump political operatives to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation rolled down ominously on…
Iraq: ISIS Dumped Hundreds in Mass Grave

Iraq: ISIS Dumped Hundreds in Mass Grave

Via Human Rights Watch | - - Security Forces, Prisoners, Women, Among Those Executed (Erbil) – The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) executed and dumped the bodies of possibly hundreds of…
What’s Cuba *Really* Like?

What’s Cuba *Really* Like?

H. Patricia Hynes | (Informed Comment) | - - What is Cuba like? Since visiting there recently, I have been asked this question hundreds of times and learned that every third person…
How Foreign Powers Could Try to Buy Trump

How Foreign Powers Could Try to Buy Trump

The Atlantic | (Video Report) | - - "Donald Trump is an unprecedentedly wealthy president, who owns or licenses his name to buildings, casinos, and luxury hotels around the world. An ethics…
It is Comey who should be Investigated

It is Comey who should be Investigated

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - FBI Director James Comey confirmed Monday that his agency has since last summer been investigating the circle of Donald J. Trump for their…
Is White Supremacy Making A Comeback?

Is White Supremacy Making A Comeback?

AJ+ | (Video Clip) "Former FBI undercover agent Mike German discusses the resurgence of the white supremacist movement now under President Trump." AJ+: "Is White Supremacy Making A Comeback?"

The Rural-Urban Divide in the US in 6 Charts!

By Brian Thiede, Lillie Greiman, Stephan Weiler, Steven C. Beda, Tessa Conroy | (The Conversation) | - - Editor’s note: We’ve all heard of the great divide between life in rural and…
41 Killed in US Attack on Syrian Mosque

41 Killed in US Attack on Syrian Mosque

TeleSur | - - "It was right after prayers at a time when there are usually religious lessons for men in it," one witness told AFP. On Thursday the U.S. government confirmed…
Why the UN branded Israel an Apartheid state

Why the UN branded Israel an Apartheid state

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Note: Apparently the Trump administration at Israeli urging threatened to defund the UN if this report was not withdrawn. The UN Secretary-General caved,…
I Am an Enemy of the People (Feffer)

I Am an Enemy of the People (Feffer)

By John Feffer | ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) | - - If Trump cracks down on journalists, there might be less uproar than you'd think. Even before the election of…
Israel’s Natural Gas war on Palestinians

Israel’s Natural Gas war on Palestinians

Ma'an News Agency | - - Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory does not only exist above ground. Since 1967, Israel has systematically colonized Palestinian natural resources and, in the field of hydrocarbons,…
Why Trump EO is Still a Racist Muslim Ban

Why Trump EO is Still a Racist Muslim Ban

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Whether or not the new Trump Executive Order banning visas for citizens of 6 Muslim-majority countries for a 90 day period and likewise…
AG Jeff Sessions as Gump:  SNL Cold Open

AG Jeff Sessions as Gump: SNL Cold Open

Kate McKinnon | (Saturday Night Live) | Video Clip | - - "Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Kate McKinnon) chats with strangers (Octavia Spencer, Leslie Jones, Kyle Mooney, Aidy Bryant, Beck Bennett) at…

Why ISIL is Targeting Tolerant Sufi Islam

By Peter Gottschalk | (The Conversation) | - - On Feb. 16, 2017, a bomb ripped through a crowd assembled at the tomb of a Sufi saint, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, in southeastern…