
June 11th reportback from Plain Words

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

via Plain Words in Bloomington. Please visit the source to see some nice pictures of these actions!

We receive and transmit:

In the month leading up to the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners, we set up two tables at Boxcar Books with an array of free zines, stickers, and posters for June 11th and about anarchist prisoners.

[J11] Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for placement of incendiary device

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

We perceive anarchist and antiauthoritarian spaces as structures in which we organize struggles and live collective moments outside the authoritarian relations that the State and capitalism would like to impose on us daily.

Lately, the State has carried out various attacks against squats and hangouts in Athens, Thessaloniki, Agrinio and Larissa [see this article for more context].

Beyond ‘Bash the Fash’: A Critical Discussion

  • Posted on: 20 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

There’s no question that antifascism has taken up a lot of space on both IGD and within the wider anarchist movement. Talk about antifascists has also spilled into the mainstream, with many journalists treating it, along with the tactics like the black bloc, as a new phenomenon that has arisen in the past few months in reaction to Trump.

Santiago, Chile: Anarchists erect barricades in solidarity with the two murdered Mapuche activists

  • Posted on: 18 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Insurrection News

June 14th, Santiago, Chile. About a dozen encapuchadxs (hooded ones) blocked traffic, distributed leaflets and raised banners outside the Metropolitan Technological University in solidarity with the Mapuche who were murdered in the south during a land reclamation action. “The weichafes (warriors) Luis Marileo and Patricio Gonzales will be avenged with blood.”

Confronting the Nationalists and Their Police

  • Posted on: 6 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

On June 4, shortly after Jeremy Christian murdered two people who intervened when he was harassing two teenage women of color on a Portland commuter train, nationalists organized a rally in downtown Portland, inviting “patriots” such as Kyle Chapman to come speak in favor of carrying out violent attacks on anti-fascists and others. In response, anarchists and other opponents of fascism converged in downtown Portland, despite a massive police operation to reserve the space for nationalists. In this account, one participant offers a full report on the day’s events.

Brazil: An Anarchist Analysis of Occupy Brasília, 24th of May, 2017

  • Posted on: 4 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Insurrection News

Occupy Brasília, 24th of May, 2017

“A demonstration that was planned as peaceful degenerated into violence, vandalism and disrespect, aggression to public order, threats to the people, many of them public servants, who were so terrified that we had to guarantee their evacuation” – Minister of Defense

Occupy Brasília: A national movement, a call from critics of the government of President Michel Temer, critics of labour and welfare reforms. At least these were the official claims. Organized by all kinds of reformers and leftists.


Hueyapan unanimously decides to settle as an Indigenous Municipality; "We are closer to autonomy"

  • Posted on: 30 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

By: Demián Revart ; Ruptura Colectiva (RC)


Santiago, Chile: Report-back from the event ‘Towards Total Liberation, Memory and Counter-Culture’

  • Posted on: 29 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Insurrection News

On Saturday, May 20, a large number of compañerxs gathered for The Day of Memory and Counter-Culture to remember Punky Mauri.

Representing the ‘Do It Yourself’ ethos, autonomy and self-organization, we nurtured with workshops and tools for the spread of both our ideas and our feelings.
