Edson, Edir Frederico Da Costa with his son

Twenty five year old Edir Frederico Da Costa, known as Edson, died yesterday having sustained multiple injuries during a police stop in Beckton, East London.

Cult of personality - portrait of Öcalan

Text from Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti Kapitălu in response to recent myths propagated about the Rojava "revolution", with a detailed background about inter-imperial...

Reflections on the relation between solidarity networks, workplace groups and class organisation, based on our modest experiences in west London. We see this effort in opposition to the current...


The truth is, to the authorities, Grenfell Tower tenants didn’t really matter ...It has been left to the survivors themselves and the wider community to organise relief ... they organised in...


"What we see the workers doing, and what we hear of from other places today, gives the impression that some great churning is taking place which we dare not try to fit unthinkingly into...


Oliver Steel strike demonstration, Pittsburgh, 1911-12

A timeline of strikes led supported by the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States 1905-1920.