Smart meters providing key data

Productivity gains will come from technologies and processes that moves energy around power grids, say the experts.
Productivity gains will come from technologies and processes that moves energy around power grids, say the experts. Supplied
by Mark Abernethy

In 2016, Victoria's United Energy had two distribution transformers blow, fewer than had been the case about a decade ago.

In the past, there had been difficulties predicting where load issues would occur.

United Energy's networks engineer Andrew Steer puts the change down to 98 per cent of residential and small business customers having smart meters.

"That saves us $4 million each year that would otherwise be spent on distribution transformers," says Steer. "The difference with smart meters is that we capture data forty-eight times a day, not once every ninety days."

The smart meter is a key – but little discussed – component of Australia's energy-efficient and carbon-reduced future.

Wind turbines and solar projects are visible reminders of an Emissions Reduction Target that is supposed to take between 26 and 28 per cent of greenhouse emissions from the atmosphere by 2030, but far less visible is the productivity improvement that will carry most of the burden.

The report from the Department of Environment in early 2016 – Modelling and Analysis of Australia's Abatement Opportunities: Meeting Australia's 2030 Emissions Target – identified 70 emissions abatement opportunities and concluded that 44 per cent of the Emissions Reduction Target promised at Paris would be met by "energy productivity", or, creating more output from the same or less usage.

The second-largest contributor to the abatement task would be land-use change (38 per cent, and managing industrial processes and renewable energy would each contribute 5 per cent).

"If we can show how households and businesses can use less energy for the same output and comfort, then we will go a long way to fulfilling our climate commitments," says Dr Glenn Platt, Research Director – Energy at the CSIRO. "The challenge is to show consumers that better use of energy doesn't mean cold showers and warm beers."

Platt's outlook for an energy system that does more with less (or the same) is consistent with another statement from the Energetics report, which noted that from 1993 to 2015, the emissions intensity of the Australian economy fell on average by 2.3 per cent each year, "suggesting that national emissions are decoupling from economic growth".

In other words, growth is not dependent on burning fossil fuels.

Capacity utilisation

While consumers see productivity as a quest to do the same things but with lower usage, Platt says energy productivity as it relates to the system involves the issue of 'capacity utilisation', a large and complex part of the equation.

"Australia has a very 'peaky' power supply system where maybe five or 10 times a year – depending on where you live – loads are extreme because it's very hot and everyone turns on their airconditioners," says Platt. "So we build poles and wires and generation to cover these extreme days that occur five or 10 times a year. It's not economically sustainable to build the infrastructure just to cover these infrequent, extreme loads."

Platt says a different kind of "peaky" problem is created by solar PV on roofs. "We get a certain degree of self sufficiency from local generation, but then a cloud comes over and the PV systems revert to the grid, creating sudden load.

"Our major grids are not designed to be safety nets or back-up power for solar PV. They manage, but it's very inefficient."

The solution, says Platt, comes from both the consumers and the system operators. Productivity gains will come from technologies and processes that learn to move energy around power grids in time and place, so that power load on the grid can be shifted to where it is needed rather than building expensive grids to deal with load peaks a few days each year.

One of the technologies that will aid in shifting load is storage: with sufficient storage, PV-enabled consumers do not revert en masse to the grid when cloud blocks the sun. They revert to their storage, removing some of the back-up power role that the grid is forced to play.

In its 2015 report Future Energy Storage Trends, the CSIRO acknowledged that most of the benefits of storage accrued to the system as much as to the user. "The appeal of energy storage in the Australian context is its ability to solve multiple challenges. These challenges include smoothing out intermittencey, mitigating peak demand, maximising the value of on‐site generation, integrating renewables into the grid through voltage and frequency support, and increasing the reliability of use of renewables off the grid."

Smart metering

In Victoria, one of the central weapons in the energy productivity fight has been the smart meter. The meters' installation has been mandated.

Smart meters have been criticised as invasions of privacy, but their uptake is also crucial to making power consumption more productive and ensuring that capital expenditure is properly targeted.

Victoria rolled out smart meters from 2008, and the network operators were using the data from them by 2013. A smart meter is a digital device that connects the business and household to the power network provider via a radio signal. The smart meters also talk to one another in a "mesh" radio network system.

The signal from the smart meter allows the network operator to capture data down to every five minutes – if the operator wants it – and in United Energy's system it is sent every 30 minutes.

"We capture network data forty-eight times a day, which allows us to make decisions about demand, about where we upgrade and where the infrastructure has to be replaced," says Steer.

Because United now tracks usage in a virtually real-time fashion, it can see where transformers are being overworked – before they blow – and replace them. It can see where demand is peaking and voltage is low.

Steer says the smart meters allow the utility to build big data systems and use algorithms to be more predictive about demand, especially in summer. The network can be analysed more accurately so high-usage houses and businesses can be spread out among the different "phases" in a street or a neighbourhood, spreading the loads and reducing strain on the network.

Steer says the smart meter system is so efficient that linesmen are often sent to a problem before the users even complain about it. "The last gasp is when the power actually goes off. We now capture 70 per cent of last-gasp events in the control room without the consumer telling us about it."

He says the biggest benefit, in financial terms, is that large capital expenditure is targeted to where it is needed.

Powerful benefits

Steer says the most controversial abilities of smart meters are also the most powerful: capacity limiting and demand response.

In capacity limiting, households and businesses can opt for plans where if they exceed an agreed kilowatt-per-hour level, they are switched off.

In demand-response, the consumer uses the smart meter data to stay beneath an agreed kilowatt usage.

Steer says both have been trialled in Melbourne with good results. "In our capacity-limiting trials, it was amazing how quickly people learnt to close down appliances to stay under their limit," says Steer. "Demand-response was also quite positive: consumers actually like to know about their usage."

He says the political and social aspects of smart meters are complex. "If you have a focus group of 20 people, two are really keen to learn about power usage and become more efficient, and another two think it's a terrible thing that someone controls what they use in their own home. The other 16 have not really thought about it."

Steer says the small but vocal opposition to smart meters is unfortunate because, in a network, most peak demand problems are created by just 10 per cent of users. In other words, if one-tenth of the consumers could be better identified and managed, the rest of the network would work more efficiently.

At CitiPower-Powercor – a Victorian network operator in Melbourne and west to the South Australia border – the smart meter installation is 99.2 per cent across 1.2 million customers.

Luke Skinner, head of network technologies, says the smart meter is one of the most powerful tools in managing a network.

"We do 30-minute meter reads on the network," says Skinner. "In 2013, we identified 35,000 defects that could have caused fires. You can't do that on the old meters."

He says, aside from the safety aspects, smart meters have allowed Powercor to work more closely with emergency services. "When the system went down in South Australia, a circuit breaker was pulled which affected a whole area. During an event in our network, we can isolate what is shut down, so we can keep hospitals, traffic lights and boom gates operating. We're at the leading edge of global technology in that regard."

He says the smart meters are also proving important in integrating renewables. There is a 14 per cent installed capacity of solar PV in Powercor's network and 3 per cent in CitiPower's.

The feedback from smart meters allows the utility to keep voltage consistent around heavy-use solar PV areas, managing loads and voltage between bright sunlight and when clouds come over.

He says the demand-response and limiting capability of the smart meters is available to the company but not used. He says the ability to be predictive about demand and the capacity to identify and react to problems on the grid are the most important money savers and service-improvement outcomes from smart meters.

"We're incentivised by keeping people on supply, and smart meters help us do a good job of that.

"The smart meters give us information and they're also a communications network," says Skinner. "Victorians are very lucky to have this technology – it's given us a smart network at a time when networks have to be smart for the changes ahead."