
Archives: November 2012

Morsi’s Second Coup Provokes Mass Protest in Egypt

Morsi’s Second Coup Provokes Mass Protest in Egypt

Egypt's president Muhammad Morsi, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood's civil wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, issued a wide-ranging set of decrees on Thursday that greatly enhanced his power and would have…

Top Ten Myths about Israeli Attack on Gaza

1. Israeli hawks represent themselves as engaged in a 'peace process' with the Palestinians in which Hamas refuses to join. In fact, Israel has refused to cease colonizing and stealing Palestinian land…
Top Ten True costs of BP Gulf Oil Spill

Top Ten True costs of BP Gulf Oil Spill

BP yesterday agreed to pay a fine of some $4.5 billion dollars from the US Department of Justice for malfeasance in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest fine paid in…
Noam Chomsky on Gaza (Democracy Now!)

Noam Chomsky on Gaza (Democracy Now!)

At Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!, Noam Chomsky discusses his recent trip to the Gaza Strip: Here is DM's blurb for the piece: World-renowned political dissident, linguist, author and MIT professor Noam Chomsky…

America’s Coming Space Wars (McCoy)

Alfred W. McCoy writes at Beyond Bayonets and Battleships Space Warfare and the Future of U.S. Global Power It’s 2025 and an American “triple canopy” of advanced surveillance and armed drones…

How US Drone Assassinations all Began (Woods)

Chris Woods writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) usually gets all the credit for the first US drone targeted killing beyond the conventional battlefield. But it…
US backs away from Syrian National Council

US backs away from Syrian National Council

The Syrian opposition appears split on American intervention to shape its leadership. The Syrian revolution is a grassroots affair, with hundreds of small groups on the ground, some of them neighborhood associations,…