
Archives: April 2010

Chaudhry: Dis(re)membering \pä-ki-ˈstän\

This is a guest essay by Kiren Aziz Chaudhry, University of California, Berkeley, one of our country's foremost academic specialists in comparative politics.: “…for this uncanny is in reality nothing new or…

Massive Offshore Windfarms to Power Green Germany

Note to environmentalists: German utility corporations are building gigantic wind farms offshore that are expected to provide a quarter of Germany's energy in coming decades. One plant, on an island, came online…

Apartheid in Israel, Showing Papers in Arizona

Jonathan Cook gives concrete examples of the various forms of Apartheid practiced in Israel by Jews toward Palestinian-Israelis and Palestinians. An important recent policy announcement makes it possible for the Israelis to…

Iran Quiz

Take the Iran Quiz at Countercurrents. (The quiz is based in part on a chapter in my Engaging the Muslim World, which will be revised and in paperback in August.

Taliban Resemble Successful Insurgencies

CSM reports on a RAND study by Ben Conable and Martin Libicki of 89 major insurgencies in the 20th century and early 21st, and what they might tell us about the likelihood…
Bombings in Baghdad target Shiites

Bombings in Baghdad target Shiites

AP reports that guerrillas set off at least 4 car bombs in Baghdad on Friday, killing at least 69 persons and wounding hundreds. The target of four of the attacks was Shiite…

Dear Europe from Gazans

"Dear Europe, sorry about the ash cloud over your heads and that you can't travel anywhere. We feel just the same." Gaza

Anzalone: The Death of a Caliph

In a guest opinion piece for Informed Comment, Christopher Anzalone asks if the Reported Killings of the Islamic State of Iraq’s two senior Leaders spell the end of the Self-styled Jihadi State.…

Why Economic Sanctions on Iran will Fail

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen said at Columbia U. that a military strike on Iran over its nuclear enrichment activities would be his 'last option.' He makes an excellent…

Afghanistan Attacks Leave 13 Dead

Attacks in Afghanistan left 13 dead and many more wounded on Thursday. A suicide car bombing near an Afghanistan National Army base in Qandahar left 6 dead, three of them military and…
Obama hints that Two-State Solution may be Impossible

Obama hints that Two-State Solution may be Impossible

President Barack Obama acknowledged Tuesday that despite the expenditure of substantial political capital by his administration it may be that no progress will be made on Israel-Palestine peace. AP says he replied…

Englehardt On Bombing People from the Air

Tom Engelhardt on Americans fighting their wars 'from on high.' Alas, it isn't American, it is just industrialized warfare. Pakistan is bombing its own people, and a recent airstrike on militants appears…

Blog Migration

Old-time readers please bear with me as I move the blog to a new hosting server and a new publishing software (Wordpress). And, don't worry, the template will improve as I move…

Migrating Blog: Offline Temporarily

Sorry, folks, I have to migrate my blog to a different server and publishing software this weekend. As a result, the site will be offline temporarily. You could bookmark the feedburner feed…