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What if Facebook mummy's groups existed in the 90s?

Nikita Stanley |


This article was originally published at The Rebel Mama and has been republished here with permission.


For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, the Facebook “mummy-group” is the place where modern mums turn to ask their most pressing questions (is it normal that my kid hasn’t poo’d in 6 days??), to share funny memes (usually about either coffee or wine or both), to bitch about their husbands (could he BE any more useless?), to get dinner inspiration (what do I feed my gluten intolerant, vegan, vegetable-hating 1-year-old?), and often, to judge the shit out of each other.

These groups, with all their quirks and flaws, have managed to become an essential pillar of 21st Century parenting – because really, what woman WOULDN’T want a group of hundreds (or even thousands) of fellow mamas to help set her mind at ease and assure her that she’s not totally screwing up this whole parenting gig?

So the other day I got to thinking – I wonder what kinds of things would have popped up in a Facebook Mum-Group if they existed in the 90’s? I decided to let my already fairly ridiculous imagination run wild, and well, here’s what I came up with:


90s FB mums group


90s FB mums group2

90s FB mums group3

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While the women who raised their kids pre-internet were definitely lucky that they never had to deal with information overload, opinions galore and a constant stream of Pinterest-worthy birthday party photos (ENOUGH with that shit, already), I’m sure they would have been all over the FB Mummy Groups.  And perhaps if they had access to one, some smartass, judgey, hippie mama would have informed our mums that Sunny Delight is actually fucking terrible for kids… but hey, we turned out alright, don’t you think?

For more from Nikita Stanley, check out The Rebel Mama, or follow The Rebel Mama on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.