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Kidspot Baby


Newborns and babies are a lot of work during baby’s first year. Get baby advice about baby health, baby names, baby development to make baby care easier.

Caring for babies never seemed this hard when you were pregnant, right? Kidspot has the answers to your questions - and if we don't, then you can simply ask us!

Your baby develops at a wondrous rate every week. From her first gummy smiles to first words, follow her developmental milestones and catch even the tiny changes which may have otherwise gone unnoticed, by reading these week by week updates on your bub's physical, social and emotional development.

These are the most searched for baby names of 2017

The fibs that all new mums tell...

The tricks photographers use to get those perfect newborn snaps

Shattered? Here are 7 types of tired you couldn't find the words for before

When sleep deprived mothers call out for help, we need to listen

7 ways to help a new mum

'I suck at being a friend right now'

Don't worry, bonding with your baby immediately hardly ever happens

15 reasons mums of newborns aren't answering your calls (or texts)

This parenting gig is tough. So how do you know when to seek help?