Gate Gourmet

Freedom September 17, 2005

NB// This is a bit rough and ready as I'm testing a new scanning wand, but what the hey.

Preface to book on the German Gate Gourmet dispute, 2005

Preface of a book on the dispute at airport catering firm Gate Gourmet in 2005 by German group Flying Picket.

Temp work at Gate Gourmet Germany, 2007

Prol-Position on agency work at catering firm Gate Gourmet in Germany in 2007, following the strike of 2005-6.

France: Airport catering workers demonstrate

LSG-Gate-Gourmet workers threatened with dismissal as the management attempt to wind the company up demonstrated on Wednesday 4 April.

Strike at Gate Gourmet in Düsseldorf, 2005

Workers' struggle at Gate Gourmet is getting harder

Union pays ‘hush money’ over Gate Gourmet wildcat

Two T&G union shop stewards who were sacked by Gate Gourmet over the unofficial walkout at the airline caterers in August last year have reportedly been paid £600,000 to remain silent about union involvement.

BA sack second solidarity striker

British Airways has sacked a second worker for taking part in the wildcat strike which paralysed the airline's Heathrow operations last summer.

A view from inside the Gate Gourmet dispute

Corporate Watch presents an interview with Mrs Kaur, one of the striking workers at airline catering company Gate Gourmet. Mrs Kaur has worked at Gate Gourmet for over six and a half years.