Cynthia P. Schneider


Can Good Television Beat the Islamic State?

How a Saudi television network — with a hand from Hollywood showrunners — is countering the narrative of terrorist propaganda.

The South Asia Channel

The Road Not Taken in Pakistan

Counternarratives in Pakistan are silenced. But a playwright is trying to fill the educational void around Sufism and bring its heritage into the political and intellectual discourse.


What Woman Was Ever Born to Such Misfortune

For the Syrian refugee cast members of a new theater production of the Euripides classic, "The Women of Troy," insult follows injury.


Missing in Action

What happened to Washington's policy in Egypt?

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About Cynthia P. Schneider

Cynthia P. Schneider is a nonresident senior fellow in the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World at Brookings. She leads the Arts and Culture Initiative in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy and teaches courses in diplomacy and culture in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. From 1998-2001, she served as U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands.



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