C.K. Hickey

C.K. Hickey is Foreign Policy’s resident interactives and features designer, but you can call him CSS Wizard for short. A film studies major from Los Angeles, C.K. flirted with television as an FX Networks production intern until technology and journalism wooed him away. Prior to FP, he honed his writing and coding skills at Salon, Current TV, KQED, and the Virginian-Pilot. C.K.’s interactive documentary, The Town: Reckoning at Mammoth Lakes, won a Digital Storymakers Award from the Atavist in 2013, and he won four Virginia Press Association awards for features he produced at the Pilot. C.K. has worked at FP since 2015. When not developing projects like Global Thinkers, he’s probably cooking, playing his piano, hiking, or watching old movies.


Five Years of the New Tunisia

From revolution to disillusionment and back again: milestones on Tunisia’s rocky path to democracy.


Mapped: Brexit’s Aftermath

After Britain’s vote to leave the EU, stock prices are suffering on major indices around the world. FP surveys the damage.


Mapped: The Crumbling Iraqi Dam That May Flood The Country

If the Mosul Dam goes, a lake of water will submerge cities from Mosul to Baghdad and kill hundreds of thousands. This map shows the potential devastation.


Mapping the Spread of the ISIS Plague

The Islamic State keeps morphing, and the United States and its allies are struggling to keep up.

The Cable

Mapped: The Islamic State Isn’t Doing as Well as You Think

The terrorist group dominated headlines in 2015, but a string of battlefield defeats has cost the group 14 percent of the territory it used to control in Iraq and Syria.


Mapping How China’s Land Grab Is Backfiring on Beijing

Beijing is alarming its neighbors by building artificial islands in the South China Sea. From Tokyo to Jakarta, countries in the region are pushing back hard.

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