
Interview: The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus

Having struggled to find a foothold since the end of 1967-74 military junta, Greek fascism saw a turning point with the spectacular rise of Aube Dorée (Golden Dawn) during the late 2000s financial crisis. The murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a Golden Dawn (GD) assault squad in 2013 saw the organisation lose momentum and support, but it has recently been growing in confidence again as it seeks to exploit the Syrian refugee crisis. Self-defence groups, such as the Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus, have formed to push back.

Greece: anarchist refugee squats prepare for State onslaught

A new spate of recent evictions and interventions by the Greek State against refugee solidarity occupations run by the anarchist movement in Athens has prompted callouts for a major emergency gathering today.





The massacre of the internationalist communists in Greece, December 1944

KKE headquarters, December 1944

An account of the killings of internationalist communists, Trotskyists and anarchists by nationalist communists in the Greek resistance movement during World War II.

Every cook can govern: a study in democracy in ancient Greece; its meaning for today

Painting of ancient Greek democracy in action

CLR James gives an overview of ancient Greek democracy, how it functioned, how it came about, and how it offers features which could be emulated in a future, radically democratic socialist society.

General Strike, Political Forms, Linking Struggles

What are the limitations of the recent years’ strike mobilisations? Is it possible to go beyond their deadlocks by building a different strategy? Can we link the struggles that have been emerging recently? Can community and labor struggles be linked and in which direction is it possible to achieve a transcendence of the multi-fragmentation that characterizes them? What is the potential and the weaknesses of political forms and what is their relationship with the struggles?

The SYRIZA-ANEL government, the cycle of struggles against austerity and the future of social antagonism

The following text was published in “Sfika”, the journal published by SKYA, in June 2015. Even though many things have happened since, we consider that the text still has an analytical and practical value. One of our main concerns in writing it was to show that in contrast with what SYRIZA declares, the present crisis is deep and it concerns the totality of the capitalist relations.

The bloody May of 1936 in Thessaloniki, Greece

Mother of Tasos Tousis mourning over her dead sons body.

A general strike of the tobacco workers and other unions on May 8th 1936 led to the bloody events of May 9th. The police confronted the massive strike by opening fire on the protesters. 12 dead and hundreds of wounded in one of the most important days in greek working class history.

Capitalist internationalism trounces petty Greek nationalism - Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu

Victory for Syriza

Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu Letter produced in September 2015 about the situation in Greece, explaining the capitalist logic behind Syriza's policies and the state of the economy and class struggle in Greece.