
The Politics of Debt

This paper was presented to the CSE Scotland conference on The State, the Poll
Tax and Class Struggle held on 27th January 1990. It is very much the product
of discussions within the CSE Edinburgh group.

5,000 years of debt?

William Hogarth, "The Rake in a debtors' prison", from "The Rake's progress", 17

Aufheben's critical review of David Graeber's book Debt: The first 5,000 years.

Shays' rebellion, 1786

Soldiers opened fire on rebels

A short history of the "Shays' rebellion" in Massachusetts in the wake of the American Revolution, in which many poor farmers and war veterans attempt to shut down the state's courts in protest at the debt burden on veterans and high taxes on farmers.

Work isn't working - Matt Bolton

Article on the debt economy, and the demand for a social wage when work doesn't pay.

Debt in the banana republic

An exploration of the reasons for austerity in Queensland, Australia and a critique of those arguments that would reduce the cause to one of 'ideology'.

The university is a racket

Discussing conflicts of interest on my school's Board of Trustees and some forms that all non-profit institutions are required to keep on their premises and that you can request!

Circulation and the new university - Reclamations Journal

Circulation and the new university - Reclamations Journal

An analysis of the financialisation of American universities and their integration into the circuits of capital accumulation.

Housing speculation, student debt, fees and dispossession; a 21st century love story - Communique concerning UCL Stratford

An article from the website of The Imaginary Party exposing the relationships between tuition fees, rents, student debt, university funding, and private equity funds, in the context of UCL's £1bn plans to dispossess the 300 residents of the Carpenters Estate in Stratford in order to build "profitable" student housing units.

Debt: the first 5000 years - David Graeber

Cover image of Debt

David Graeber maps out the history of debt from ancient civilisations to current times, suggesting it has been one of the great catalysts for social and political strife throughout.