
The logic of gender: on the separation of spheres and the process of abjection

Marxist-feminists have employed a number of binary oppositions: productive/reproductive, paid/unpaid and public/private. We interrogate these categories and propose new ones. Starting from the specificities of the production and reproduction of labour-power, we define gender as the anchoring of individuals into two separate spheres of social reproduction. We trace the development of these spheres through the history of the capitalist mode of production, and survey the dynamics of gender in the recent crisis, which we characterize as a rise of the abject.

Amadeo Bordiga: De economische en maatschappelijke structuur van het huidige Rusland - Christian Riechers

Samenvatting van Bordiga’s analyse die de agrarische kwestie centraal stelt.

Educação Crítica - Fredy Perlman

"A água jamais teria se convertido na força de uma máquina a vapor para uso humano se o cientista natural começasse sua análise aceitando a imutabilidade de substâncias criadas por Deus e considerando a sua transformação para uso humano como magia negra inspirada por Satã.Entretanto o adaptacionista tenta aceitar a imutabilidade da propriedade privada das capacidades industriais e considerando a transformação da riqueza mundial como uma ideologia inspirada por magia negra."

Australian Draft Resistance and the Vietnam War - statements by Michael Matteson and Geoff Mullen

An overview of anarchist involvement in the Australian anti-war movement by followed by two articles in the form of statements by Michael Matteson and Geoff Mullen, who were both imprisoned for draft resistance.

Feminists sit-in at Ladies Home Journal to protest the magazine’s depiction of women, 1970

A brief overview of the sit-in protest held at the offices of the Ladies' Home Journal in March 1970. Why the protest was held, what the aims were and the outcome/after effects.

Time for a memorial to commemorate the Indigenous Resistance in early Melbourne history

A collection of short articles about the Tasmanian Aborigines Tunnerminnerwait (Jack of Cape Grim) and Maulboyheenner (Peevay), two indigenous freedom fighters that were the first public executions in Melbourne on January 20, 1842.

Bolshevism; Promises and Reality

A short pamphlet entitled 'Bolshevism Promises and Reality' (An appraisal of the results of the Marxist dictatorship over Russia) written by Gregori Maximov and published in Chicago in 1935 by the Free Society group of Chicago. The pamphlet was restored as a direct copy from an original by the E.G Smith collective and reprinted in 1995.

Latin American anarchist women

Pamphlet about the lives of some little-known Latin American anarchist women, by Edgar Rodriguez.

Elena Quinteros, 1945-1976

Elena Quinteros

A short biography of Uruguayan anarchist teacher Elena Quinteros, who was disappeared by the US-backed military dictatorship, written by Edgar Rodrigues.

Rojava: the fraud of a non-existent social revolution

Cult of personality - portrait of Öcalan

Text from Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti Kapitălu in response to recent myths propagated about the Rojava "revolution", with a detailed background about inter-imperial rivalries, the so-called "Kurdish question", national questions in general... To many leftists and anarchists, Rojava is a paradise on earth. We say: down with paradise!