Theresa May

Theresa May is slowly steadying the Tory ship

5 July 2017 17:02

It was better from Theresa May today. She was combative, prickly and forceful at PMQs. The ship is moving on…

Watch: Theresa May fails to master her Scots at PMQs

5 July 2017 16:19

Oh dear. Although Theresa May managed to get through today’s PMQs with a solid performance, she did fall short when…

May turns back the clock to the Cameron and Osborne era at PMQs

5 July 2017 14:44

During the general election campaign, Theresa May was strikingly reluctant to defend the Tories’ economic record. But today at PMQs,…

Tory members don’t rate May any more – so who do they like?

4 July 2017 17:32

While the Cabinet bicker among themselves – in meetings, media briefings and the FT letters’ page – about policy, behind…

The brave new world of Brexit Britain

4 July 2017 16:10

Although attributed to Milton Friedman, the assertion that ‘there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch’ had been around…

Brexit is a retreat – not a liberation

4 July 2017 13:53

It is a mark of Britain’s estrangement from the European Union – and, at least for now, the country’s diminished…

Boris Johnson calls for an end to the public sector pay cap

3 July 2017 9:15

One of the consequences of Theresa May’s disastrous election campaign is that the balance of power has swung firmly away…

What the papers say: It’s time for the Tories to stop panicking

3 July 2017 8:26

‘The unexpected appeal of Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto has thrown the Tories into panic’, says the Sun. With Damian Green suggesting…

To save the Tories and boost her own legacy, Theresa May must stay

2 July 2017 8:30

Sometimes crises end simply because all of the participants are exhausted. Essentially, this is what has happened with the post-election…

The whips mustn’t crush every Tory who thinks about the future

1 July 2017 10:41

The next Tory leadership race promises to be a crowded affair. As I say in The Sun this morning, the…

Why Theresa May is about to start drinking in Parliament’s bars

30 June 2017 16:20

Yesterday, the Queen’s Speech cleared Parliament with every amendment defeated. This shows that Theresa May’s £1bn deal with the DUP is…

The government’s fragility is good news for Parliament

30 June 2017 12:25

This first week back in Parliament has proved quite how fragile the government’s power is. It may be able to…

France is finally looking forward to some Brit-bashing

29 June 2017 8:53

Was that a touch of gloating I detected last night as I watched the news on French television? The lead item…

What the papers say: Is it time for a tax hike?

29 June 2017 8:18

The 48 per cent have spoken – and they want higher taxes, according to the British Social Attitudes survey. In…

Theresa May diverts Grenfell blame onto Tony Blair

28 June 2017 16:22

It was the first PMQs since Mrs May crawled triumphantly back into Downing Street after her humiliating victory in the…

Why Philip Hammond will spend the Autumn down the back of the sofa

28 June 2017 15:06

The government is considering lifting the 1pc public sector pay cap in the autumn Budget. In the post PMQs briefing, a…

Theresa May reassures Tory MPs at PMQs

28 June 2017 13:46

This PMQs was always going to be a very different affair for Theresa May. Post-election, her aura has gone and,…

Theresa May will be feeling the heat at today’s PMQs

28 June 2017 11:03

What a very different atmosphere the House of Commons Chamber will have today for its first PMQs since the election.…

While Theresa May retreats, the Tories must reform

27 June 2017 17:59

It’s hardly a surprise that the Tories aren’t pushing ahead with plans for new grammar schools, and hardly a surprise…

England, you wanted Brexit so you can pay for it

26 June 2017 18:03

The message to be taken from today’s Downing Street proceedings is a simple one: England, you wanted Brexit so you…

Labour’s nonsensical Brexit position is perfect opposition politics

26 June 2017 16:12

After Theresa May received a hostile response in Brussels, perhaps she was hoping for a more amiable reception today in…

Why some Tories are deeply worried about the DUP deal

26 June 2017 12:51

The Tory DUP deal has been signed in Downing Street this morning, the text of it is on the government…

Give the DUP a chance

26 June 2017 12:09

A political party barely known outside Northern Ireland now holds the balance of power in Parliament. Nobody saw it coming, but then…

What the papers say: Corbynism isn’t funny any more

26 June 2017 8:47

The laughing should stop, says the Sun, which calls Corbynism a ‘joke’ which ‘simply isn’t funny any more’. The Labour…

How Philip Hammond could be PM by October

24 June 2017 22:00

The biggest factor keeping Theresa May in office is the absence of an alternative Conservative leader with broad enough backing…