
Theresa May is slowly steadying the Tory ship

5 July 2017 17:02

It was better from Theresa May today. She was combative, prickly and forceful at PMQs. The ship is moving on…

Why are some on the Left claiming a ‘bonfire on red tape’ led to Grenfell Tower?

5 July 2017 16:42

Now that Labour councils have been shown to be as much up to their eyeballs in the tower block cladding…

May turns back the clock to the Cameron and Osborne era at PMQs

5 July 2017 14:44

During the general election campaign, Theresa May was strikingly reluctant to defend the Tories’ economic record. But today at PMQs,…

Students are right to vote Labour

4 July 2017 10:30

Almost everything which is said officially about student finances is obfuscatory and contradictory, starting with Damian Green’s assertion at the…

What the papers say: It’s time for the Tories to stop panicking

3 July 2017 8:26

‘The unexpected appeal of Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto has thrown the Tories into panic’, says the Sun. With Damian Green suggesting…

J.K. Rowling’s schizophrenic politics

1 July 2017 10:00

On the face of it, there is nothing complicated about the politics of Harry Potter, who made his first appearance…

The government’s fragility is good news for Parliament

30 June 2017 12:25

This first week back in Parliament has proved quite how fragile the government’s power is. It may be able to…

Jeremy Corbyn: the nation’s therapist

28 June 2017 11:23

Comparisons between Jesus and Jezza became commonplace long before he chose to end his election campaign with a rally at…

Theresa May will be feeling the heat at today’s PMQs

28 June 2017 11:03

What a very different atmosphere the House of Commons Chamber will have today for its first PMQs since the election.…

Why some Tories are deeply worried about the DUP deal

26 June 2017 12:51

The Tory DUP deal has been signed in Downing Street this morning, the text of it is on the government…

Theresa May’s Government is safe – for now

26 June 2017 11:32

The Government’s deal with the DUP is done – but it has come at a price. The confidence and supply…

What the papers say: Corbynism isn’t funny any more

26 June 2017 8:47

The laughing should stop, says the Sun, which calls Corbynism a ‘joke’ which ‘simply isn’t funny any more’. The Labour…

Britain is in desperate need of a truly national party

26 June 2017 7:58

I am not sure I can think of any great public assembly in Britain I’d enjoy less than Glastonbury. Within…

Theresa May’s exhaustion makes more blunders inevitable

23 June 2017 15:09

Theresa May’s body language on leaving the European Council summit last night shows quite how much of a toll the past…

Corbyn overtakes May on question of who would make the best PM

23 June 2017 8:25

Would Jeremy Corbyn or Theresa May make a better Prime Minister? In April, when Theresa May called the election, that…

Labour and the Lib Dems are as much to blame as the Tories for Grenfell Tower

22 June 2017 19:04

I haven’t been in Camden this afternoon, so I can’t vouch for there being no marches of activists holding banners…

If Jeremy Corbyn can rise from the depths, why can’t Theresa May?

22 June 2017 9:00

When John Curtice speaks, listen. That’s one thing we learned in the general election. This week we hosted John at the Social…

Labour should form a coalition with the DUP

21 June 2017 21:37

So, they limp on, and Corbyn is justified in holding aloft the Queen’s Speech in jubilantly derisive fashion. Some of…

Corbyn regains his confidence – but his Brexit troubles aren’t far away

21 June 2017 16:43

Today’s exchanges between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn in the Commons following the Queen’s Speech showed how much difference confidence…

What the papers say: The Queen’s Speech is the Tories’ last chance

21 June 2017 8:19

Today’s Queen Speech will be a muted affair, with Her Majesty dressing down for the opening of a Parliament which will…

Gerard Coyne’s show trial is a stark warning to Labour moderates

20 June 2017 20:31

‘There is no step, thought, action, or lack of action under the heavens,’ wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, ‘which could not be…

Labour is now the party of the middle class

20 June 2017 16:26

I’m not sure I’ve ever been so pessimistic about this country’s future, and I’m not usually a barrel of laughs…

Listen: Ed Miliband hosts toilet discussion on Radio 2

20 June 2017 14:11

Poor old Ed Miliband. The former Labour leader was once convinced he was destined for Downing Street. Now, he’s hosting discussions…

Please can the bullying of Theresa May stop?

19 June 2017 18:02

We all remember it from school, whether as perpetrator, or assistant of perpetrator, or victim: the moment when everyone turns…

No, the election was not a rebellion against Brexit – or ‘austerity’

17 June 2017 9:00

The lessons to be learned from the Conservatives’ poor showing in the election could fill more pages than the national…