Keresési eredmények
  1. 7 órával ezelőtt

    Its time for to allow all three intel agency's to examine the servers to find out if hacked them!

  2. 9 órával ezelőtt

    Dear : If someone says they want 2 burn down the White House & join the ...maybe they don't deserve "TOP SECRET" clearance

  3. 10 órával ezelőtt

    Rosie O’Donnell Raising Money for NSA Leaker Reality Winner

  4. JW Director of Investigations : Obama's was used for political purposes & violated the Constitution.

  5. 14 órával ezelőtt
  6. 21 órával ezelőtt
  7. jún. 7.

    Faces 10yrs jail ⚠️ Loser decides what's Secret @&What's Not She is just a Where are the Big Ones?🤔 🐠🐟🐡

  8. jún. 7.

    Kangaroo Court in the Beltway. These DC clowns get paid to play fiddlesticks while hard-working Americans toil.

  9. jún. 7.
  10. jún. 7.
    Válasz neki:

    FED-Ex can track millions of packages a day and our effin gov't can't track a wack-job with top security clearance? We're so screwed!

  11. jún. 7.

    How did this wacko get top security clearance?

  12. jún. 6.

    Public is so easy to fool. Apparently so is ... This was an Operation. Pros vs rookies. It's not even news. Misdirection.

  13. jún. 6.
  14. jún. 6.

    Orosz hekkerbotrány: az amerikai választási rendszerbe is bejuthattak

  15. jún. 6.

    When national security case is tied up in a pretty bow in matter of days, always question the narrative & ALL players. It's NOT TV show

  16. jún. 6.

    Clapper & ODNI -- which oversees -- confirmed NO proof Russia interfered in election. Now suddenly it did? I call BS. Intel Theater. OP

  17. jún. 6.

    Girl was on the job for mere weeks and just DECIDED -- of ALL the secret documents in -- to leak Russia Hacking docs. Yeah. OK. Sure.

  18. jún. 6.

    So took 3 weeks to investigate, indict girl for classified docs? So why did investigation take so long & no charges? Comey.

  19. jún. 6.

    Billionaire sugar daddy who funds should pay girl's legal fees. His cowboys got her in jam, his cash can help get her out

  20. jún. 6.

    Congrats to on getting a news source arrested. Did you ever consider you were being played too? No. Of course you didn't.

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