Sunday, January 20, 2008

Which Planet?

Big Ray & The Futuras
Desolation Planet


Big Ray and The Futuras are a high energy instro trio on a mission, a mission in space. "Desolation Planet" is where they land, and oh do they find some exotic life forms. "Glowing Men" and "Los Banditos," and an interesting character named "The Condor." The songs titles are understood once you hear the music, albeit no words mind you, which you would think would make it all that much more difficult right? Nope, wrong answer people of planet earth. Hey, I know all you Cowabunga Web Ring folk know yer shit, just kidding.
Even though this is getting down to basics when regarding musical composition, it is in the same breath complex and diverse in that all flavors and styles seem to pop up all over the galaxy on the CD. It is the mark of a truly talented instrumental (surf flavored that is) group that can reach down and grab those spicy Tex-Mex roots, traditional rock ‘n’ roll and surf foundations, Latino flavorings, and then sprinkles of everything else to give you the full treatment of what great instro music is all about. And dam it, they were just a trio. I speak in past tense because the group is now defunct (thanks for the update Dave Wood).
I really got a kick in the pants from this album. The cover is great, it reminds of the 50’s sci-fi flicks like "Forbidden Planet." I would have loved to see what this looked like in a vinyl gatefold jacket! This is great instro folks, it’s full of reverb and twang that will wet your appetite for more and more, I personally guarantee it. This is a classic rendering of surf-instro, plain and simple. Arrgh! I can smell the sea air already…


Don't mind the funky track listings. Tags on file are 2-16 vs 1-15 as shown here.

1. Horrorscope
2. The Glowing Men
3. Sputnik
4. The Condor
5. Los Banditos
6. Raygun
7. Astrodisia
8. Ants In Yer Pants
9. Seventh Wave
10. Tierra Del Fuego
11. Model 41863
12. Futura Go-Go
13. Tomahawk
14. Surf Ballroom
15. Desolation Planet


Seis Cuerdas - Flight of the bumblebee

Total of 12 strings and 20 fingers doing some amazing work.

Seis Cuerdas

Pair of amazing guitarist brothers that mezmerized crowds in Huntington Beach and Santa Monica this last year.

You'll Dig Em The Most

The Swamp Coolers
Dry Heat


"Dry Heat" Named One Of The Top 12 Instrumental Surf Albums Of All Time By Dan Epstein, Editor Of Revolver Magazine (The World's Loudest Rock Magazine)

Don't know who these guys are or where they come from; but from the desert-baked sound of 2005's Dry Heat, one suspects they might have tried to surf a sand dune or two in their day. That in itself might not be the brightest move, but you can't fault their tasty playing, nor the sense of whimsy and creativity they bring to arrangements of "Hawaii 5-0," "Ms. Moto" (yes, you read that right) and even "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music as well as whammy-licious originals like "Escape From El Diablo" and "101 on the 101."

"Dry Heat" Reviewed at!Phil Dirt, "King of Surf Radio" at California station KFJC 89.7, reviewed The Swamp Coolers' first CD"Dry Heat". The CD received an overall rating of four stars, with "My Favourite Things" scoring all five stars, the highest rating!

Escape From El Diablo This is a richly textured track with a catchy riff and whammy chords. The sound is unique to The Swamp Coolers. While the progressions are simple, they take unexpected turns that make this a very memorable song. Very nice!

Hawaii Five-0 Sleepy island whammy and lush palms swaying bring forth a slithery version of "Hawaii Five-0." The wholly original arrangement of the first verse gives way to a pumped and wonderful arrangement inspired by the Ventures' original. Quite nice, and very refreshing.

Journey To The Stars Liquidy and reverent, this glissando laden rendering of "Journey To The Stars" is solid and fun. The arrangement is a combination of others, with a touch of Thom Starr and a chorus.

The Lonely Bull Sol Lake's beautiful "The Lonely Bull" is very nicely laid down. Lush and shimmering with surf anticipation, this moderately paced take is a pleasure to enjoy on the open road.

Pipeline In some ways, this reminds me of Dean Torrance's 1977 version, at least aurally. The drums play the glissandos a la the Challengers, and the guitars are fairly dry. The duel lead on the bridge is jazzy. The big break is pure rock. All in all, a different take on the Chantays' signature song.

101 On The 101 "101 On The 101" is a rock instro with the shimmer of surf chords. The melody is motion driven, and the feeling of the wind in your hair with the top down is quite pronounced.

Out Of Limits Swirly chants in the distance fade as the classic riff ensues. Slithery, smooth, and unlike other covers of this Mar-Kets' classic. Quite a nice track.

Ms. Moto This oriental-ization of the Belairs' signature "Mr. Moto" is sultry and very cool. Moderately paced and whammied out, this reverb arrangement takes on a new sound and feeling.

Europa "Europa" moves slowly through a European guitar melody styling that's tremolo driven and moody. Very nice.

Route 66 Bobby Troup's poppy TV theme made popular by Nelson Riddle and covered by hundreds including the Rolling Stones gets yet another lease on life. This time out it's saucy and liquid, yet tuff open highway motivated.

My Favorite Things The Swamp Coolers take on "My Favorite Things" as if it was meant for the surf. What a wonderful idea. Playful, smooth, slithery, and too much fun!

Sonora Sunrise "Sonora Sunrise" softly oozes the orange warmth of an equatorial morning. The stereo slither of the whammy chords shimmer in the dawn's light. Quite nice.

1. Escape From El Diablo
2. Hawaii 5-0
3. Journey To The Stars
4. The Lonely Bull
5. Pipeline
6. 101 On The 101
7. Out Of Limits
8. Ms. Moto
9. Europa
10. Route 66
11. My Favorite Things
12. Sonora Sunrise


Very Fine Guitar Work Here

Seis Cuardas
Solo Guitarras
We have it all here in Huntington Beach! Sun, surf, beautiful bodies and surf bands. What more co uld we ask for. This last summer, the city started Surf City Nights Street Fair. Lots of food, games for the kids, fruit and vegetable stands. What made this so great was the addition of quite a few musical folks spread out along Main Street. One of the special groups were these two young brothers. Simply amazing guitarists. I saw them several times over the summer and was captivated each time. Hope you will enjoy them also.
The year...2000, the city...Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Etcheverry brothers joined their talent, passion and love for music to make their dreams come true. SEIS CUERDAS was born and from that time on, the flamenco duo has been a success wherever they play. Their music is flashy, romantic, unpredictable, rhythmically rich, and fresh. As guitarists, the brothers show an incredible technique, knowing how to mix different sounds, going from flamenco to rock, turning the classic and most pure Spanish music into a new and fresh sound. In 2001, Ezequiel and Martin Etcheverry, moved to Los Angeles, California, where they have been living since then. The brothers are performers at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, drawing people from all around the world. They have three released CDs, Seis Cuerdas (2001), Vivencias (2003) and Solo Guitarras (2006), in all, they have perfectly caught the spirit of their music. Freshness and power, feeling and technique, melody and chops, go hand in hand during the minutes and minutes of their soulful and inspired music. In fact,SEIS CUERDAS is music from the soul to the soul.

Molto Grazia

Ray Daytona and Googoobombos
Fasten Seat Belt

Italy's Hot Garage Band

Ray Daytona guitar and screams Rosie bass guitar, voice Doctor D guitar, voice Madison Wheeler drums, voice Red Razor theremin, voice, maracas and often: dancing!!!!! With a little help from: Paolo Apollo Negri, Al "Ormone", Fritz the Cat, Mickey Mouse, Mitch, Adua, Saverio, Mirko, Cicciolina, Rocco, Der Golem, Bela and Boris............ who'll be the next? are you the next?

01. Psyclope
02. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
03. An der Urania
04. Slim, Horny and Tanned
05. Old Cannibal Woman
06. Detecto!
07. Taliban Surf
08. Drinking Toluene
09. Not All Astronauts Are Slim
10. Roasted Fly
11. Cowgirls and Cactus
12. Daytona Super Royal Rumble
13. Even the Zombies Cry
14. (I Got) Sideburns
15. It's too Heavy to be Lifted (Call Mama)
16. Fasten Seat Belt
17. Brand New Dino

Surf! Surf! Surf!

Surf! Surf! Surf!

by Mike DaRonco
The Aqualads got together in 1997 under their original moniker of the Big Swinging Hammers while playing out their set of '60s surf rock instrumentals throughout their native of Charlotte, NC. With a live set that partially consists of covers and their backing go-go dancers the Aquanettes, the bands first official release was a 1998 Christmas 7" aptly titled Aqualads XMAS. After a slight lineup change that left guitarist Jimmy King as the only original Aqualads member, the rest of the quartet consisted of Greg Walsh (guitar), Colin LaRocque(drums), and Jeremy DeHart (bass). Soon after this settled lineup was complete, the band eventually released their debut album, entitled Hotbox, in 1999. Their second album, Revenge, quickly followed the next year.
**A few of you who thought you were getting The Turtles got a sneek peak of this fine album. Hope nobody was too disappointed .

A Little Late Again... Tardy? I Don't Feel Tardy

The Beatles Cartoon Series
Episode 02
Do You Want To Know A Secret/If I Fell

Oh Yeah!!!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Top Of The Heap

Thr Black Keys
Thr Big Come Up
These guys move my bones!

by Richie Unterberger
As minimal two-man blues-rock bands go, this has to be near the top of the heap. The problem with minimal two-man blues-rock outfits (and there have been more of them than you think) is that they're, well, usually too minimal, with thin garage sound and a shortage of variety. The Black Keys' sound, impressively, is not too thin (though it is garage-ish), and there's enough deft incorporation of funk, soul, and hard rock into the harsh juke joint-ish core to avoid monotony. Most importantly, Dan Auerbach has a genuinely fine, powerful blues voice, sometimes approximating a white, slightly smoother Howlin' Wolf (particularly on the opener, "Busted"). Auerbach's a good guitarist, too, conjuring suitably harsh and busy (and sometimes heavily reverbed) riffs out of what sounds like a cheap but effectively harsh amp. Patrick Carney's drums might be the cruder component of this two-man band, but they keep the sound earthy without sounding sloppily punkish for the hell of it, as too many such groups searching for the blues-punk fusion do. The very occasional insertion of hip-hop snippets seems neither here nor there, and the cover of the Beatles' "She Said, She Said" seems like an odd choice. But overall it's quite cool raunchy electric blues with more vigor and imagination than similarly raw, elderly Southern juke joint artists who came into vogue starting in the 1990s. And it's way fresher than the standard bar band blues-rockers with slicker execution and more reverence for blues clichés.

1 Busted
2 Do the Rump
3 I'll Be Your Man
4 Countdown
5 The Breaks
6 Run Me Down
7 Leavin' Trunk
8 Heavy Soul
9 She Said, She Said
10 Them Eyes
11 Yearnin'
12 Brooklyn Bound
13 240 Years Before Your Time

The Black Key - Set You Free

Bangin' Stuff Here For Sure!

Ya Gotta Get Some On Ya!

The Black Keys

by Mark Deming
While the vast majority of post-punk bands who have an obvious taste for the blues seem to enjoy taking the style apart and messing around with the bits and pieces, the Black Keys are the (relative) traditionalists within the subgenre. With their two-piece, no-bass format, there's no room for clutter or wank, and the raunchy fuzz of Dan Auerbach's guitar (and drummer Patrick Carney's production) owes more to the Gories/Blues Explosion/White Stripes school of aural grime than anything else, but look past all that and the Black Keys are a straight-up blues band who could probably cut an album for Alligator if they were willing to clean up their act and fill out the lineup. And Alligator would doubtless be glad to have 'em — the Black Keys's wail is hot, primal, and heartfelt, and Auerback's lean but meaty guitar lines and room-filling vocals drag the blues into the 21st century through sheer force of will without sounding like these guys are in any way mocking their influences. In short, if you're looking for irony, you're out of luck; if you want to hear a rock band confront the blues with soul, muscle, and respect, then Thickfreakness is right up your alley. Points added for the fact that the Black Keys performed, recorded, and produced Thickfreakness all by their lonesome in a single day — further proof these guys are not messing around.

1 Thickfreakness
2 Hard Row
3 Set You Free
4 Midnight in Her Eyes
5 Have Love Will Travel
6 Hurt Like Mine
7 Everywhere I Go
8 No Trust
9 If You See Me
10 Hold Me in Your Arms
11 I Cry Alone

Blowin' In Hard From Deutchland

The Typhoons

Von Schulau nach Waikiki


1997 in Wedel gegründet nehmen: Arne Vollbracht (Gitarre), Norbert "Escobòn" Hoffmeister (Gitarre), Nils Swetlik (Bass) und Rüdiger Voigt (Schlagzeug) ihr erstes Demo noch unter dem Namen "Look! No Head" im Februar 1998 in dem Wedeler IB Kommunikationszentrum "Die Villa" auf.
Die Liebe zu Surf, Beat und Rock`n´Roll verbindet die Musiker und bald findet sich der neue Bandname "The Typhoons". Gespielt werden vor allem instrumentale Eigenkompositionen im Stil der Surfbands der 60er und 80er, wie: The Ventures, The Challengers, Jon & The Nightriders, u.a.. Zusätzlich werden auch Coverversionen ins Programm aufgenommen um das Publikum mit bekannten Hits zu erfreuen und den guten alten Bands Tribut zu zollen.
2001 erscheint unter der Mithilfe von Thomas Ritter das erste Album "The Typhoons" als 10" Vinyl auf dem Hamburger Label "String Records". Wenig später veröffentlicht "Kamikaze Records" das komplette Album mit der ersten LP der Hamburger Instroband "The Splashdowns" auf einer CD unter dem Namen "Surf Double Pack".
Bassist Nils verlässt der Liebe wegen die Band in Richtung Berlin und gründet dort nach einiger Zeit die Surf & Roll Band "Stevie & His Sideburns". Für ihn kommt Alexander Töde. Nach einigen Konzerten und Studioaufnahmen trennt sich die Band jedoch aus persönlichen Gründen von ihm und Stephan Matzak übernimmt 2005 den Bass.
Mit reichlich Liveerfahrung bieten THE TYPHOONS Big Wave Insrumental Surf der Extraklasse. Melodien zum Träumen und Rhythmen zum abtanzen.


Founded in 1997 in Wedel take: Arne Vollbracht (guitar), Norbert "Escobòn" Hoffmeister (guitar), Nils Swetlik (bass) and Rüdiger Voigt (drums) their first demo under the name of "Look! No Head" in February 1998 in which Wedeler IB communications center "The Villa". The love of surfing, beat and rock `n'Roll connects musicians and soon found the new band name" The Typhoons. " Played mainly instrumental compositions in the style of surf bands of the 60s and 80s, like The Ventures, The Challengers, Jon & The Night Riders, among others. In addition, also covers the program to the public with well-known hits, and to enjoy the good old bands'. 2001 appears under the help of Thomas Ritter for the first album "The Typhoons" as a 10 "vinyl on the Hamburg label" String Records. Little later published "Kamikaze Records" the entire album with the first LP of Hamburger Instroband "The Splash Downs" a CD under the name "Surf Double Pack". Bassist Nils leaves of love for the band in the direction of Berlin and is based there for some time, the Surf & Roll Band "Stevie Burns & His Side". For him, Alexander Töde. After a few concerts and studio recordings separates the band for personal reasons but he and Stephan Matzak over the 2005 Bass. With plenty of live experience THE TYPHOONS Big Wave Surf Insrumental of extra class. To dream melodies and rhythms to dance.


Das Wachsfigurenkabinett

The Curl Rider

Der Flug Der Enola Gay


Suenos Mescal

Spion Und Spion


Red Painted Horse

Surfin´And Spyin´

Ville De Poule



Wednesday, January 16, 2008

OK Ramblers... Let's Get Ramblin'

Reservoir Dogs
Original Sound Track
Review is not very complimentary, but who gives a @#$%@! I can't hear any of these songs without flashes of the movie going off in my head. Makes me happy. Don't be a Mr. Pink. Get it!

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Only five songs here were featured prominently in Quentin Tarantino's rousing crime film ("Little Green Bag," "Hooked on a Feeling," "I Gotcha," "Stuck in the Middle With You," and "Coconut"), but the record includes Steven Wright's introductions from the film (separately indexed, thankfully), as well as Tarantino's infamous interpretation of the meaning of Madonna's "Like a Virgin" and Harvey Keitel's monologue on how to rob a jewelry store. In total, that's about fifteen to twenty minutes of material. Padding out the rest of the disc are three new songs that were heard in passing in the film — "Fool for Love" is very good, "Harvest Moon" passable, and "Magic Carpet Ride" is abominable. After this, the disc has passed the half hour mark by two minutes. The amount of music you'll actually want to listen to makes it even shorter, but it is a soundtrack you'll want to return to.

1 And Now Little Green Bag... (Dialogue)
Steven Wright
2 Little Green Bag
Baker, George Selection
3 Rock Flock of Five (Dialogue)
Steven Wright
4 Hooked on a Feeling
Blue Swede
5 Bohemiath (Dialogue)
Steven Wright
6 I Gotcha
Joe Tex
7 Magic Carpet Ride
8 Madonna Speech (Dialogue)
Quentin Tarantino ...
9 Fool for Love
Sandy Rogers
10 Super Sounds (Dialogue)
Steven Wright
11 Stuck in the Middle With You
Stealers Wheel
12 Harvest Moon
13 Let's Get a Taco (Dialogue)
Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth
14 Keep on Truckin' (Dialogue)
Steven Wright
15 Coconut
Harry Nilsson
16 Home of Rock (Dialogue)
Steven Wright

Resevoir Dogs - The $%@#^ Short Version

Ya don't have the time to watch the whole movie??
Distilled down to it's essence.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Little Late For Saturday Morning, but......

The Beatles Cartoon Series
Episode 01

A Hard Days Night/I Want To Hold Your Hand

Friday, January 11, 2008

To Make Al Z's Weekend

Sorry to have been so vague with this pic. This was posted in response to a request to my good friend Al Zombie. Pic is of Sarah Michelle Geller. Known primarily for her role as Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Killer, this shot is from her new movie that is due out this spring. Quite fetching, don't you think?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Get Your Bowl Of Cereal And Sit In Front Of The Tube


As a child of the 60's, you could not help hearing The Beatles on every radio within earshot. While I was to young to be buying anything musical I did collect Beatles bubblegum cards (still have a few) and a few odds & ends (Mom would not let me have Beatle boots). The market was not geared towards the kids my age until they started showing The Beatles cartoon series. This was right up our alley. So we made it a Saturday ritual to go over to a friends house, eat our cereal, and be hip like The Beatles.

This first episode is the promo developed to start the series. What better way to start this new/old Saturday tradition.

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hot California Sun via Japan

Rat Holic Presents California Sun

Review: Real Art Magazine. ru

For a long time I’ve suspected that surf and garage scene (as well as other musical styles) is very cool in Japan. Very rarely we managed to hear's, Guitar Wolf …Here is the whole treasury of the modern cool garage and surf bands which have been recorded during one concert in the Japanese club (life is actually fine - except for this disk I also have DVD with video from that concert - each band in their special color suits, everyone is smiling and pleased as child, the audience have fun and enjoy the gig together with musicians …).Except for already a little familiar to me The Twinkle Arrows and The Windows, there are 7 more bands on the disk (The Great Mongoose, Rat Holic, Jacky and Enocky, The Teenie Cheetahs, The Pebbles, The El Caminos and Terry Shimamura Group).A lot of girls play on drums, saxophone, keys (The Pebbles is entirely girl-band).About music - very valiant surf or drive garage and hot rod. I shall especially note Jacky and Enocky “Let's Go Bopping Tonight” - seven-minute track with long duel of the musicians; the incredible garage punk hit “Teeny Smash” from The Teenie Cheetahs; the most magnificent sounding of Rat Holic and mad drive of The Great Mongoose.

1 The Windows Ali Baba

2 The Great Mongoose Draggin' Waggin'

3 The Great Mongoose Surfin' Monkey

4 Rat Holic Surfin' Chihuahuas

5 Rat Holic Chruch Key

6 Jacky and Enocky Let's Go Boppin' Tonight

7 The Teenie Cheetahs You're Nuts

8 The Teenie Cheetahs Teenie Smash

9 The Pebbles Surf To There

10 The Pebbles Train To Nowhere

11 The El Caminos Mr Revel

12 The El Caminos Mogul Monster

13 The Twinkle Arrows Engine Stop

14 The Twinkle Arrows Miss. Camel

15 Jacky and Enocky Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On

16 The Windows Bombora

17 The Windows Falseta

18 Terry Shimamura Group Hillbilly Boogie

19 Terry Shimamura Group Danny's Boogie

20 Terry Shimamura Group Twelfth Street Ray

Mainland Mexico & Channel Islands

Surf Mex Acoplado De Surf Mexicano

Surf Mex 1

BERENICE Ya no me importas tanto
Los MAGNIFICOS La Especial
Los MAGNIFICOS La Invasión de los pasteles verdes
Le Canavispón Oficina Central
Le Canavispón La Novia
Le Canavispón Verde que te quiero
Quinta Galaxia Escribiendo ficción
Quinta Galaxia Wa-Wa Go-Go
Quinta Galaxia Tsunami
YUCATAN A GO-GO Usa tu Imaginación
YUCATAN A GO-GO Niño Mutante
YUCATAN A GO-GO Visteme de Kalimán
TELEKRIMEN Somos Zombies
LOST ACAPULCO Las Brisas (ver. B.E.W.)
LOST ACAPULCO The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Welcome To The Inner Sanctum

Inner Sanctum Mysteries
You Could Die Laughing
Aired 5/7/1946
Starring Santos Ortega


Taking its name from a popular series of mystery novels, Inner Sanctum Mysteries debuted over NBC’s Blue Network in January 1941.
Inner Sanctum Mysteries featured one of the most memorable and atmospheric openings in radio history: an organist hit a dissonant chord, a doorknob turned and the famous “creaking door” slowly began to open.
Every week, Inner Sanctum Mysteries told stories of ghosts, murderers and lunatics. Produced in New York, the cast usually consisted of veteran radio actors, with occasional guest appearances by such Hollywood stars Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre and Claude Rains.
What made Inner Sanctum Mysteries unique among radio horror shows was its host, a slightly-sinister sounding man originally known as “Raymond.” The host had a droll sense of humor and an appetite for ghoulish puns, and his influence can be seen among horror hosts everywhere, from the Crypt-Keeper to Elvira. Raymond Edward Johnson was the show’s host until 1945; Paul McGrath took over the role until the show left the air in 1952. Producer Hiram Brown would utilize the creaking door again in the 1970s, when he produced and directed The CBS Radio Mystery Theater.
Inner Sanctum Mysteries was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1988.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Los Banditos - Beatclub

A little strange but the tunage is good! Enjoy

Viva!! Surf Mex 2

Surf Mex 2

1. Dale Marahá - Malibú

2. Marea Roja - Perversos Cetaceos

3. Ostras Y Langostas - The Thunder Surfers

4. Tokio Poliéster - Fenómeno Fuzz

5. Mustang 68 - The Carvernarios

6. Surfing Trip - Santísimos Snorkels

7. Daktari Freak - Telekrimen

8. Santo Vs Las Momias - El Santo

9. El Gato Mas Arañado De Todos - Los Pegajosos

10. ¿Y Tú Que Sabes Del Amor? - Los Calambres

11. Bólido De Fuego - Twin Tones

12. Tu Eres La Nueva Ola Y Tu Eres Parte Del Mar - Los Bidets

13. El Ultimo Mariache - Los Quién Sigue?

14. Ultratumba - Mortum Surfers

15. F=K(Q1 Q2/R2) - Espectroplasma

16. Jaguar 62 - Los Elasticos

17. Mia Wallace - Malibú

18. El Niño Que Se Llevo El Mar - Perversos Cetaceos

19. Mexican Wrestling Surf - The Thunder Surfers

20. El Jinete - Fenómeno Fuzz

21. La Rocka - The Cavernarios

22. Insomnio - Santísimos Snorkels

23. Criaturas Del Dr. Moroe - Telekrimen

24. Mil Mascaras - El Santo

25. Hoy Voy A Loquear - Los Pegajosos

26. ¿Qué Hace Una Chica Como Tú, En Un Lugar Como Este? - Los Calambres

27. Diane - Twin Tones

28. La Rezia - Mortum Surfers

29. Blue Sunday - Los Elasticos

30. El Macuarro De Macabronia Del Oeste - Los Bidets

31. Arriba Del Cerro - Los Quién Sigue?

Los Banditos Are Here! We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges!

Los Banditos



They drink Strichnin and Nitro, eat Atomchilis encrusted with TNT and listen to Neil Young. Explosive mixture of: 60s Beat, Surf, Twang, Rock'n Roll, Sex and Crime, mixed with the future sounds for the 26.

About Los Banditos
In 1996 the band was founded as a trio in Jena/Germany. The Banditos first specialized in Surf, but soon enough line up and musical competence were steadily broadened, so that 10 years later were facing a 5-headed gang that is still celebrating its music on a solid Surf base and is unmistakeably inspired by the East German Big Beat bands of the early Sixties (yes, this term did exist already 40 years ago), but is integrating the sexy groove of the Sixties/ Seventies Soul and cuban percussions into its music as well as performing classical RnB vocal pieces this is an own version of Post Easy Listening Pop. This mixture is produced on original vintage GDR-equipment: Musima de Luxe guitar, Musima Brillant 76 bass and Weltmeister T/O 200.5 organ. The Banditos live gigs turn out to be a challenge for your dancing as well as for your laughing abilities. Glamour is served in family packs and the prescribed combination of musical drugs, namely Sixties Beat, Surf, sound tracks of Spy Thrillers, Spaghetti Westerns and Blue Movies, Black Soul, Las Vegas Glamour, Shadows melodies and brave postmodern Pop makes even the death move. At the latest with their interpretations of "Je non plus" and "Ca Plane pour moi " every hall goes wild. But of course the Banditos are not only game for popular party tunes. In the first place elegance and understatement are dominant. In an adequate atmosphere it is not unlikely that an Los Banditos concert takes up to 3 hours. And theres not one moment of boredom included. Their own compositions, titled "Porno Uschi" (Porn Uschi), "Unbekannte wilde Frau" (Unknown Wild Woman), "M..dchen komm!" (Com'on Girl ), "Komm M..dchen, geh!" (Com'on Girl, leave!) or "Zwischenfall im Orbit" (Incidence in Space) don't have to hide behind their versions of classics or obscurities. Self evidently, the Banditos are now all year around on tour - not only at home, but all across Europe as in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, UK, France, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Baltics and Russia. A Best Of compilation titled "Collected Works" is out on Soyuz Records Moscow since fall 2006. Their divine Sex video clip ran several times on VIVA and ARTE broadcasted a complete concert. The band is also writing music for theaters across Germany and Switzerland i.e. Karen Finleys theatre play "The theory of total blame" and enjoyed engagements at theatres in Basel, Freiburg, Berlin, Halle and others. After a big success in 2005 Los Banditos performed again with the Jena Theater Haus at famous Kulturarena festival 2006.


Zwischenfall Im Orbit



Unbekannte Wilde Frau



Als Ich Dich Sah

Verrückter Wellenreiter

Haie Am Badestrand

Mr. Elimiter

Rock & Rumba

Fis Rock



El Bandito


Rebell Der Liebe

Ya Gotta Shoot From The Hip

El Ray

Shoot From The Hip



Holly Day

This is by far the best surf rock band I've heard in years and years and years, and this album is a necessary addition to the collection of any surf guitar enthusiasts, if you can find it. Amazingly enough (although considering some of the best U.S. surf rock bands have come from the Midwest, I suppose it's not that amazing) El Ray hails from Denmark, and their psychedelic, ominous spin on these original and classic surf songs is just beautiful (their "Secret Agent Man" instrumental cover is hilarious). Many of the tracks on here have titles that could have come right off the credits screen at your local surf theater--if there are any more of those wonderful little venues out there-especially "The Agent vs. the Mexican", "The Plan", and "The Spider." Guitarists El Twang and El Firetone play both rapid-fire dual beach party massacre music and slow, lush, twangy makeout music equally wonderful, making one wonder exactly what kind of beaches there are in Denmark, and what kind of parties they have there where this kind of band provides the soundtrack, and how one gets an invite.

It Sure Is Dusty Out Here

The Surfdusters

Surf After Dark


Excellent groupe de surf et de rock'n'roll. Un mélange de guitare Fender avec reverb, écho et trémolo, d'orgue Farfisa et de saxophone "grogneur".

1 Death Trap

2 Sharkskin

3 Radar Hill

4 Surf Buggy

5 Gruesome

6 Russian Dressing

7 Gas Jockey

8 Forgotten Rebel

9 The Friendly Martian

10 Stubble Jumper

11 KGB-in

12 Kona Angel

13 Wreck Beach

14 El Dementia

15 Haunted Surf

Bikini Angel

I Cosmunauti

Bikini Angel


I Cosmonauti born in Rome in 1990 by the need to play a faithful and strict surf instrumental born in california in 60 years. Appaiono nei piccoli locali e centri sociali d'Italia, ma non verranno riconosciuti fino al 1995, anno di uscita dei primi due singoli, "Surfin' With" e "Sea Storm". They appear in small local centres and social Italy, but will not be recognized until 1995, the year the output of the first two individuals, "Surfin 'With" and "Sea Storm." Nel 1997, dopo l'uscita dei due brani "Matador" e "Sea Storm" nella compilation "Smells Like Surf Spirit", firmano per la Omom Records e registrano il loro primo LP "Just Surf". In 1997, after the release of the two songs "Matador" and "Sea Storm" in the compilation "Smells Like Surf Spirit" sign for Omom Records and recorded their first LP "Just Surf." I concerti si moltiplicano e nella primavera del 1998 vengono invitati negli USA: il tour durerà un mese e attraverserà 10 stati ricevendo una entusiastica accoglienza. The concerts are multiplying and in the spring of 1998 are invited to the USA: The tour will last one month and through 10 states receiving an enthusiastic welcome. Da quel momento, oltre a suonare dal vivo, i Cosmonauti partecipano a diverse compilations, colonne sonore e spot televisivi. Since then, in addition to playing live, Cosmonauti participating in various compilations, soundtracks and TV commercials. Il loro secondo CD "Bikini Angel" esce nel 2003. Their second CD "Bikini Angel" released in 2003. Dal vivo propongono un piacevole mix di covers, che vanno dai classici del surf strumentale più rigoroso alle colonne sonore e di brani originali, accompagnati dal maestro Borgianelli al vibrafono. Live offer a nice mix of covers, ranging from classic surf instrumental to stricter soundtracks and original songs, accompanied by the teacher Borgianelli vibraphone.
After two singles that came out in 1995 ("Surfin' with") and 1996 ("Sea Storm") and sold out in few weeks, and the two songs ("Matador" e "Sea Storm") included in the compilation called "Smells Like Surf Spirit", released by Gee-Dee Music in 1997, the first album ever by the most acclaimed italian instrumental surf band on the road since 1990 came out: "Just Surf". After two singles that came out in 1995 ( "Surfin 'with") and 1996 ( "Sea Storm") and sold out in few weeks, and the two songs ( "Matador" and "Sea Storm") included in the compilation called " Smells Like Surf Spirit ", released by Gee-Dee Music in 1997, the first ever album by the most acclaimed italian instrumental surf band on the road since 1990 came out:" Just Surf. " After a superb USA tour in 1999 they joined movie soundtracks and commercials, then the second CD came out in 2003: "Bikini Angel". After a superb US tour in 1999 they joined movie soundtracks and commercials, then the second CD came out in 2003: