Flat Earth News


This is a collection of documents and articles which provide background on the propaganda operation around Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was presented to the world as the leader of the al-Qaeda in Iraq. The two attachments from the Washington Post are slides from a US military presentation, obtained by the Post's military correspondent, Tom Ricks, which are referred to in a passage beginning on page 213 of the book. This section also includes the White House's publication of the text of the notorious letter attributed to Zarqawi in February 2004 and the story in the New York Times through which it was leaked into global news media. Finally, there are five important articles which help to throw light on this exercise in media manipulation. Collectively they relate to the passages on al-Zarqawi on pages 205 to 217 and 249 to 256 in the propaganda chapter of the book.

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