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One of the most popular database servers. Made by the original developers of MySQL. Guaranteed to stay open source.

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Embrace the Community, Fly the Open Source Dream

This article is by the Tencent Game DBA Team, and has been translated from the original. Tencent Game DBA Team (the DBA Team for short) has been serving the game business for a number of years. The mission of the DBA Team is to provide stable and efficient online storage services for Tencent Games. As […]

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Duel: gdb vs. linked lists, trees, and hash tables

My first encounter with the gdb command duel was on some old IRIX about 15 years ago. I immediately loved how convenient it was for displaying various data structures during MySQL debugging, and I wished Linux had something similar. Later I found out that Duel was not something IRIX specific, but a public domain patch […]

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Debian 9 released with MariaDB as the only MySQL variant

The Debian project has today announced their 9th release, code named “Stretch”. This is a big milestone for MariaDB, because the release team decided to ship and support only one MySQL variant in this release, and MariaDB was chosen over MySQL. This is prominently mentioned in the press release about Debian 9 and more information […]

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Tencent Cloud Becomes a Platinum Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation

The MariaDB Foundation today announced that Tencent Cloud, the cloud computing service provided by Tencent, has become its platinum sponsor. The sponsorship will help the Foundation ensure continuous collaboration amongst stakeholders within the MariaDB ecosystem, to drive adoption and serve the ever-growing community of users and developers. Tencent Cloud has already sponsored the MariaDB Foundation […]

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New MariaDB Foundation staff member sponsored by Tencent Cloud: Bin Cheng

The MariaDB Foundation is happy to announce that a new staff member, Bin Cheng, has started working as a Senior Developer of MariaDB. Bin’s work is sponsored by Tencent Cloud, and he also holds the title of Expert Engineer at Tencent Cloud. Tencent is one of the largest IT companies in China and the world, […]

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Platinum Sponsors

MariaDB Foundation Platinum sponsors

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MariaDB Foundation Gold sponsors

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