Crossing the never-never in 'pension world' should pay dividends

Advisers should take the opportunity to contact their clients and check if they will be affected by the coming changes ...
Advisers should take the opportunity to contact their clients and check if they will be affected by the coming changes to the age pension.
by Mark Story

With the tightening of pension eligibility rules proposed in this year's federal budget finally passing both houses of Parliament on June 23, financial advisers have until January 1, 2017 to ensure their clients structure their finances to deliver the best possible outcome.

While more advisers understand eligibility issues than they do aged care changes – which are more technically difficult – Justin Mulcahy, of Morgans Financial Ltd, suspects there are still a lot of advisers who'll need to get their heads around the finer detail.

An estimated 170,000 pensioners with low and modest asset levels will, courtesy of new pension increases, have an extra $30 in their back pocket every fortnight. But based on Mulcahy's modelling, some clients in "pension world" stand to lose thousands of dollars.

"Many advisers who deal exclusively with higher net-wealth clients may have to spend time brushing up their knowledge base here," Richard Atkinson, of Austock Group, says.

Under new changes, the level at which the full pension tapers off will be cut from $375,000 to $286,500 for a couple who own their own home. Based on the new thresholds, a retired home-owning couple with $600,000 in deemed assets would receive about $5400 less annually in the age pension, while a single home-owing retiree with deemed assets of $350,000 would be $2000 a year worse off.

Mulcahy urges advisers not to underestimate the opportunity to reignite contact with dormant clients to ascertain how they're likely to be affected. Some initial estimates suggest the proposed changes could reduce part-pensions for 235,000 retirees and cut them entirely for 90,000 with larger deemed asset amounts.

Opportunities for advisers

Middle-class retirees who risk being excluded altogether from the part-pension and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) present the bulk of opportunities for advisers, Atkinson says. While most advisers have a handle on this, some have contacted Atkinson complaining they can't get enough information on it. One grey area is how long retirees will be able to continue using a CSHC after losing their pension entitlement.

"While there's some panic being caused by those with deemed assets of between $800,000 and $1 million who are worried about what they're going to lose, those at the lower end are also keen to know how much more they're going to receive," he says. 

The new maximum threshold of deemed assets for a home-owning couple is being cut from $1,151,500 to $823,000. Beyond this point any pension entitlements will cease. But given that it's expected to increase again before January 1, 2017, based on CPI adjustments, this figure – like all of the adjusted figures – will be a constantly moving beast.

Given that age pension entitlement is embedded in the psyche of Baby Boomers, regardless of how wealthy they are, Margaret Scott, of Manna Financial Services, says advisers dealing exclusively with high net-wealth clients can't afford to handball new age pension entitlement considerations to a paraplanner to sort out.

"Smart advice practices will ensure they're taking care of older clients," Scott says. "At some future point there'll be a transfer of wealth and they'll want beneficiaries to become or remain clients."

With people of pension age more accepting of the need for advice, she expects to see more retirees knocking on advisers' doors looking for guidance on the proposed pension changes. There will be occasions when a limited statement of advice and one-off payment created specifically for advice around entitlement issues might be appropriate. But, she says, advisers should try to avoid this outcome.

"A 'generational adviser' typically delivers a better outcome for older clients than a 'transactional advice' approach." 

Greater care

The new age pension rules will force advisers to take greater care when balancing a client's need for income. But Scott says there's no guarantee that a client will always want to preserve their entitlements. "Some people may want to keep a share portfolio as opposed to getting some age pension, so it's important to understand how this would impact their overall financial goals." 

While there are few options for hiding assets these days, she says a good adviser should be able to come up with a plan to ensure anyone at risk can remain within the new entitlement threshold.

Atkinson says one popular way retirees can get rid of some assets, while also improving the livability and value of the family home, is by renovating. He says this also makes the family home "sale-ready", should they wish to downsize in the future. Two other options include gifting up to the value $30,000 over five years and funeral bonds, which allow retirees to hide up to $12,250 each. 

Then there are insurance bonds within a private trust structure, which are also being used to manage income testing of financial assets. Atkinson says this works because trusts are assessed for income under social security legislation on "taxable" income and insurance bonds do not generate "taxable" income.

Australians have about $12 billion invested in insurance bonds across a handful of providers, and Atkinson expects them become more attractive as the table-stakes around pension eligibility continue tightening.