Rethink the 'no wealth no service' approach to low-value clients

Good advice from an early age will keep them coming back.
Good advice from an early age will keep them coming back. iStock
by Mark Story

Reforms to the Future of Financial Advice "opt-in" requirement and big shake-ups for the life insurance market that compromise remuneration practices, increase compliance requirements and escalate the cost of doing business are forcing financial advisers to second-guess the affordability of certain clients. 

With the cost of providing comprehensive financial advice typically ranging between $2500 and $3500 it's not uncommon for advice firms to carry up to 30 per cent of their client base for little in return. Admittedly, while advice firms used to rely on high-net-worth clients to subsidise the "C and D" clients, who cost them money, in today's fee-for-service environment every client has to contribute to bottom-line profit.

With advice firms in survival mode, the former moral obligation to serve all clients – regardless of their wealth – is being replaced with an emphasis on profitability.

As a result young, low-balance Australians, together with their low-value older counterparts are increasingly experiencing the cold shoulder from an advice community that's struggling to see what value they add to the bottom line, professional satisfaction or their reputation. 

Because of lack of scale, David Pitt, of Panoramic Financial Solutions, says it's simply becoming harder for smaller, non-aligned advice practices to take on or retain low-value clients. While the disinterest in low-value clients comes down to a commercial decision, Pitt says advisers literally don't see where they can add value to a client with only modest savings in today's fee-for-service advice model.

"Given that someone who just retired with $100,000 in super will receive most of their income from the age pension, the general direction is to turn these clients by the wayside," Pitt says.

While each advice firm's pricing model will determine the level at which a client becomes profitable, Pitt suspects the industry will eventually get to the point where $200,000 will become a minimum net-wealth requirement for any new client crossing the company's front door. "The benefit of commissions [especially from insurance] was that it effectively supplemented the cost of working with older, low-value clients, but this is no longer the case."

Identifying their potential

Rather than relegating smaller, unprofitable clients to the too-hard bin and acquiring new ones, which can cost up to seven times more than retaining existing customers, Wayne Robinson, of data feed provider Investment Link, says advisers need to spend more time identifying their potential as tomorrow's "A and B" clients. He says advisers' current perception of the low profitability from small-balance C and D clients comes from trying to service them with outdated planning and compliance models they neither value nor are willing to pay for.

If Future of Financial Advice changes do anything, Robinson says, it raises the stakes for nurturing up rather than offloading or overlooking clients – especially generations X and Y – who tend to be turned off by more traditional service offerings. "As they grow or inherit wealth, Gen X and Y will want to engage with financial advice in new ways that empower them to make their own decisions and in ways compatible with their time-poor lives," he says. 

The trouble with a traditional asset management model underscoring most advice firms, Experience Wealth chief executive Steve Crawford argues, is that younger clients don't see any value in it. "The advice model is moving towards a situation where it's the client who will determine where the value is, not us," says Crawford, whose firm specialises in servicing Gen Y clients. 

He says the business model used by financial advisers to link remuneration to total assets under advice is fatally flawed when it comes to the younger market because they don't have a lot of assets, and if they do it's usually in property. "There's a fundamental disbelief in asset management and we've never had a single client ask for it," he says. "The biggest driver of how retirement savings grow is fantastic money management."

Instead of trying to finesse their asset management expertise to fit the needs of Gen Ys – the high-net-wealth Australians of tomorrow – Crawford recommends advisers spend time working out what it is they really need. 

He says the days of having one blanket investment philosophy for all demographics no longer works. "Given that they're typically income rich and asset poor, much of our strategy is around maximising savings from Gen Y's salaries," he says. "Our model is built on taking our world and fitting it into theirs, rather than shoehorning them into traditional financial advice models."

Flat fee for advice 

Much of the advice Experience Wealth provides its predominantly Gen Y clients is to help them map out goals, implement money-management programs and monitor how they're tracking against them. The company earns a flat fee for the advice required and implementation of the necessary structures, plus a monthly coaching fee on a monthly opt-out basis.

"When talking to clients about justifying cost, the comparison isn't against other advisers but against discretionary lifestyle expenses," Crawford says. "We're well and truly in the lifestyle improvement and protection business and smart decisions will improve a client's overall asset position."

If advisers continue to champion value around blending asset management, Crawford warns, lower-net-worth clients won't see the value in it, whether they're younger or older Australians. "Advisers have got to be aware of where they add value. For example, if a client's only got a $50,000 portfolio, the opportunities aren't going to be huge," he says. "But if you can help to improve savings on a $200,000 salary by 20 per cent, that's huge."

For those who want advice without the face-to-face engagement, Crawford expects robo-advice to fill a lot of the void. As well as challenging the traditional notion of what financial advice is, he says robo-advice also removes advisers' persona as the only credible source of knowledge. "Most 30-year-olds think they can do our job, and thanks to the rise of digital tools there are a lot of things they can do," he says. 

Midwinter Financial Services executive director Andrew McClelland says self-help digital tools ideally complement next-gens and low-value older clients who don't need the reassurance of either face-to-face engagement with an adviser or the trust-value proposition of a branded institution. 

Instead of selling the unprofitable back end of their client book, McClelland recommends advisers use online advice platforms as a cost-effective extension of their client engagement. In the past year he has witnessed a notable uptake by the IFA market to embrace online technology to bring down the cost of servicing low-value clients.

To ensure they match the online services appropriately, McClelland says fees can be charged based on a menu of advice offerings, as opposed to the total value of funds under advice. But when contemplating online services he urges advisers to choose carefully those that specifically complement their business model, rather than settle for an off-the-shelf solution. 

While low-value clients that advisers find hard to offload are the sweet spot for this technology, Robinson says robo-advice and online tools will also help to attract new clients to the business.

"Advisers who start embracing innovation in fintech will be able to parlay their trusted relationships with Baby Boomers into continuing and expanding relationships with the Gen X and Y as the wealth shifts downwards."