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A sociologist who predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and 9/11 attacks warns that American global power will collapse under Donald Trump.

Not just Trump: Here are 22 Republicans who also launched sexist attacks on women

Republican elected officials took to Twitter Thursday to rail against President Donald Trump’s attack on MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. But Trump isn't alone in his attacks on women -- it's part of the Republican Party.

Fundamentalism, racism, fear and propaganda: An insider explains why rural, Christian white America will never change

As the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump is still being sorted out, a common theme keeps cropping up from all sides: “Democrats failed to understand white, working-class, fly-over America.”

Oklahoma family sets on-camera trap for neighbor seeking sex with teen — and pummels perp

A Del City, OK family set up a sting operation in their own backyard to stop a sexual predator from victimizing their teen daughter.

‘Ludicrous’: Van Jones calls BS on James O’Keefe ‘nothingburger’ attack video that was strategically edited

Like many of O’Keefe’s videos, the videographer edited out part of what Jones said so that it would say what O’Keefe wanted it to.

MSNBC reveals Trump’s ‘secret plan’ to fight ISIS has always been a lie

On Thursday, MSNBC analyst Steven Benen looked at several statements by President Donald Trump regarding his much-ballyhooed secret plan to fight ISIS and concluded that “Trump was lying.” I

A 78-year-old man is dead and police think that tennis star Venus Williams is to blame

Venus Williams was involved in a car accident that left a man dead earlier this month.

GOP operative hunted Clinton’s 30,000 emails via Russian hackers — and had a ‘line of communication’ with Flynn

Peter Smith, a Republican opposition researcher who implied he was working with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, sought access to emails stolen—likely by Russian hackers—from Hillary Clinton’s private email before the 2016 election.

‘A real man would have called an ambulance’: Internet recoils in horror at Trump ‘facelift’ tweets

President Donald Trump’s Thursday morning Twitter meltdown at “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski spawned a ferocious online backlash.

White House aides despair over ‘facelift’ tweet: At least you’re not reporting ‘we’re going to kill millions’

White House aides darkly welcomed President Donald Trump’s petty Twitter feud with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski as a distraction from more serious political issues, such as the health care bill and the Russia investigation.

You can buy the same overpriced ‘wellness supplements’ from Alex Jones at InfoWars or Gwyneth Paltrow at Goop

The same expensive, dubiously beneficial “wellness supplements” are available for sale at Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s tony Goop lifestyle blog and at Texas-based conspiracy-monger Alex Jones’ InfoWars.com.

GOP Rep admits Russia probe ‘has legs’: ‘There is justification to continue the investigation’

Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) on Thursday conceded there is reason to continue the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 and possible collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign, arguing the probe “has legs.”