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Parenting: we've done OK for a few million years

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I smacked my daughter once. Only once. She was nine years old and the princess had turned into an evil queen, sitting on the couch, obstinately refusing to do what she'd been asked. Like all kids, she knew which buttons to press, and in what order. But she'd never pressed them all at once before. So she gave it a go.

It was so easy. A few smart Alec remarks to a tired and now very irritable adult, along with a few more refusals to fall into line, and she hit the jackpot. I grabbed her by the arm and, with my free hand, gave her a light - a very light - tap on the bum.

Over the next few minutes she put on a performance that, had it been recorded, would still be used by students in method acting classes the world over. Wailing, curled into a foetal position on the floor, she shrieked and cried before breaking into a series of short gasps. In the end, wracked by guilt, I fetched a brown paper bag and got her to breathe into it.

When this performance finally drew to a close, she looked up at me. I could smell the venom in her breath. "Get me the phone," she hissed. "I'm calling child protection services."

It took a couple of hours before she could bring herself to even look at me again, probably because I bribed her with something she'd been wanting in the first place. More than a decade has passed but I've never forgotten her impersonation of Linda Blair in The Exorcist because it has always reminded me just how difficult being a parent can be.

Last weekend I saw a frustrated mother spank her four- or five-year-old outside a store. Passers-by shuddered and hurried away, distressed by the scene. I winced, too. You'll find very few people willing to condone smacking these days as a legitimate form of disciplining a child. But almost all of us will admit to having done it at least once. Who among us doesn't understand how easy it is to succumb to that one exasperating moment, that instant of irrationality when the thing you love the most pushes you beyond your limit?


There is no simple answer - and that's something you only learn as a parent once your own children have grown and joined you in adulthood. But we are in the grips of a real crisis in parenting these days and, like all things where we expect an answer with just one click or tap, a booming industry has arisen to teach us how to raise our children. Who knew it was as simple as putting together a flat pack from IKEA?

An array of websites, self-help books and professional "parenting experts" abound, underscoring the breadth of this crisis. Every day we are pummelled by an avalanche of scientific studies. Last week came another breathless finding - that we have surrendered childhood to the rapacious, attention-deficit-inducing evil of smartphones and tablets.

Didn't we hear this same warning decades ago when our own parents were told television was the great evil and would lead to a generation of zombies? Surely raising a child these days involves making sure a tablet is in their hands as early as possible. Given the world they are hurtling towards, it's probably more important than teaching them how to ride a bike, make mud pies and collect butterflies in a bug catcher.

All this fretting over how we should raise our children has led to parenting paralysis ("I always let my child make decisions … I'm just there to guide him/her") as well as the rise of the insufferable and insecurity-laden helicopter parent, forever hovering above little Johnny, picking him up from soccer training, whisking him off to violin rehearsals before rushing home to help him improve on Fermat's Last Theorem. We want our kids to be happy - a state of being we are all hopelessly under-equipped to deliver - and to not miss out. So we fling everything at them, setting them up for failure and a lifetime of their own self-esteem issues.

It's time we thumbed our noses, made faces and held our breath until this army of so-called parenting experts agree to beat a hasty retreat and get out of our lives. Somehow we've managed to stumble through the past couple of million years raising kids and, on the whole, haven't we done OK?

After undergoing a colonoscopy last week I texted my kids to let them know all was good. My 28-year-old son texted back immediately. "So you're not as full of shit as I thought you were," he said.

I smiled. As a parent you can do worse than raise your children to be smart arses.

Garry Linnell is co-presenter of The Breakfast Show on Talking Lifestyle