The nation's biggest law firm you may not have heard of: Law Partnership Survey

New HWL Ebsworth partner Melissa Hanbidge: among the latest round of appointments that have pushed the firm's tally to 219
New HWL Ebsworth partner Melissa Hanbidge: among the latest round of appointments that have pushed the firm's tally to 219 Robert Shakespeare

HWL Ebsworth's Juan Martinez talks a big, bold game — just like the law firm he leads.

For all the analysis around a disrupted, competitive market, Martinez expects no easing of the growth that has seen his firm almost double in size in six years while the nation's biggest brands have shrunk.

The firm has entered its third year leading the market by partnership size, having taken the top spot from Clayton Utz in 2015 and reaching 219 partners in The Australian Financial Review's latest Law Partnership Survey.

"We could grow to 300 to 350 partners or perhaps even higher, and we will stay true to our model while our profit margin remains sustainably strong," Martinez says.

New HWL Ebsworth partner Melissa Hanbidge: one of the 219 who make up the nation's biggest firm
New HWL Ebsworth partner Melissa Hanbidge: one of the 219 who make up the nation's biggest firm Robert Shakespeare

The firm's secret, he says, is not in fact a secret: it is about transparent pricing and limiting the huge overheads encumbering other firms.

"We refuse to follow the pack and invest in 'nice to have' activities just because our competitors are doing so," he says.

"Other firms choose to fly their partners from Australia to London, Paris, Madrid or New York each year [for annual conferences] and the associated cost of travel and entertainment clearly flow directly back to their clients through increased fees."

Foregoing 'nice' things

A recent office fit-out saw the firm forego a "void" staircase flowing between floors, something promoted as facilitating staff collaboration and exercise, because it would take valuable space paid for by the metre. Investments must improve client service or working experience to get past the post.

It is that kind of cost rationalisation Martinez says has enabled the firm to maintain the same "rack rates" for almost a decade.

"It is insulting to clients to think that you can convince them that such increases are essential, when generally the rate increases are simply subsidising poor business practices," he says.

"We haven't been distracted by the latest industry gimmick, such as outsourcing to low-cost markets or setting up quasi-labour hire divisions."

Martinez says he is constantly handed CVs of lawyers wanting to move from firms where the "business model is irreparably broken".

But in a fluid market, most firms report being accosted by recruiters with CVs or directly by lawyers.

Rivals criticise HWL as pursuing a "growth for growth's sake" strategy, but Martinez says they struggle to understand the firm, which is growing in response to client demands.

Other mid-market firms have had striking growth in the past five years, albeit coming from smaller bases.

Mills Oakley has more than doubled, reaching 75 in this survey – the same number as leading national firms Gilbert + Tobin and Maddocks.

"More movement of partners between firms, expectations around workplace flexibility and the increased use of contract lawyers are all creating new pressure points in the management of legal talent," Mills Oakley CEO John Nerurker says.

"Clients follow great lawyers – that's a reality of this profession – so we have redoubled our efforts to acquire and retain the right people."

The domestic sector is its primary focus and it has invested in technology incubators that have generated start-up projects, including a legal advice "chatbot".

Both HWL and Mills Oakley promoted record numbers of staff in their latest rounds, and both have acknowledged a need to lift the number of women at senior levels. Brisbane-based commercial litigator Melissa Hanbidge is among the eight women appointed at HWL, out of 16 in total.

At Mills Oakley, Nicola Johnson was one of three women, out of 10 new partners appointed.

Johnson says the firm's growth – particularly into the Canberra market in 2014, given her predominant base of Commonwealth agencies and departments – has helped her build her practice.

Calling the partnership "thriving and energetic", she says the firm has always been clear about the path to the top.

"When a firm is not growing or lacks strategic direction, the opportunities and path to partnership are simply not there," she says.

Expanding by acquisition

Hall & Wilcox has almost doubled over four years, reaching 70 in this survey.

Its leader Tony Macvean says growth has occurred by strategically targeting "firms and teams which are aligned with us in terms of talent and culture".

The latest acquisition will see it expand its Newcastle footprint by absorbing Harris Wheeler.

"We will be actively looking for opportunities to further invest in all of our offices nationally, but are prepared to take the time to ensure the right cultural fit for any future mergers and acquisitions," he says.

"We're always looking to do things better and smarter — this is a huge challenge but one we take seriously and enjoy.

"It's imperative for us to keep innovating, to embrace diversity and flexibility."

Other middle market players with big ambitions include Colin Biggers & Paisley (up 53 per cent to 72 in four years) and Moray & Agnew (up 36 per cent to 94).