Business would love to pay people more, but can't while global competition means it can't just hike prices, says Grant ...

Why Canberra should not build power stations

If government were to finance a new coal-fired power plant, it would further frighten private investors and force taxpayers to potentially bankroll a second, third or fourth power station. Once the government starts down this road, it may not be able to stop.

AGL can't make coal add up

AGL CEO Andy Vesey and other power bosses say the economics of investing in new coal plants don't add up compared with wind and solar power.

Graeme Hunt to be AGL chairman

Former BHP Billiton iron ore head Graeme Hunt is to take the chairman role at major utility AGL Energy, replacing Jerry Maycock.

'There is no shortage of gas': UBS

Shell's and Origin Energy's LNG projects in Queensland have more than enough spare gas to supply the east coast market – at the right price.