Jeff Horn's trainer Glenn Rushton's secret fundie life

Glenn Ruston (left) during a training session with his protege, Jeff Horn.
Glenn Ruston (left) during a training session with his protege, Jeff Horn. Albert Perez

For the past couple of months, he's been a semi-regular fixture on the nightly news. In the ring and sparring with the Brisbane school teacher Jeff Horn, who will this weekend face-off welterweight champion of the world and Filipino senator (because that makes perfect sense), Manny Pacquaio.

His name is Glenn Rushton. And when he is not playing wizened trainer Mickey Goldmill to Horn's Rocky Balboa, Rushton can be found in his Brisbane office running Rushton Financial Services and managing a reported $70 million in funds – including the Rushton Conservative Global Market Neutral Fund, which, according to the man himself, has been developed "in response to the low-growth world we are currently experiencing", aims to "provide positive returns with very low volatility and little or no exposure to global equity markets" and is open to wholesale clients investing a minimum of $200,000.

Talk about a renaissance man.

And while that's all well and good, how does he rate his boy's chances this weekend?

"We're looking forward to shocking the world," he said, noting the Horn team's game plan in the lead-up to Sunday's bout at Suncorp Stadium is to keep things as normal and low key as possible and following a few time-honoured pre-bout routines, including a game of poker over a bowl of pasta. "Pacquaio is just a man after all. He only has two fists, like Jeff. And going into this as the David in the David and Goliath showdown definitely helps. We all know how that turned out."

Cue: Eye Of The Tiger.