Daily Life


A look back at Beyonce's most outlandish pregnancy moments

​Beyonce is many things, but careless is not one of them. In many ways, the music superstar's second pregnancy was a reflection of her longtime stage persona: surprising, over-the-top and, above all, perfectly choreographed.

As her fans await official confirmation about whether Queen Bey did in fact give birth to her twins, here's a look back at the most outlandish moments from her heavily scrutinised pregnancy.

When she broke the Internet announcing she was pregnant ... with twins

On Feb. 1, Bey announced she and husband Jay Z were expecting again with a surprise Instagram post of her hands cupping her very obviously pregnant belly. She was dressed in her underwear, draped in a sage-green veil and surrounded by flowers. You know, the typical maternity shoot.

"We would like to share our love and happiness," Beyonce wrote in the caption. "We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. - The Carters."

In a matter of minutes, the photo had garnered millions of likes and comments, eventually shattering Instagram records. It also spawned countless parodies.


That Beyonce used Instagram as her megaphone for an announcement such as this should have surprised no one. After all, this is a woman who once dropped a fully produced visual album (2013's self-titled Beyonce) with no warning at all. No singles released in advance. No press tours. Just a 14-second video posted to Instagram in the middle of the night.

When she performed at the Grammys as a "pregnant golden goddess"

Less than two weeks after her Instagram announcement, Queen Bey appeared onstage at the 59th annual Grammy Awards, swathed in layers of gold. Unlike her 2011 MTV Video Music Awards performance - which she used to confirm her first pregnancy, dramatically dropping the mic and rubbing her belly after a killer live rendition of Love on Top - this performance was a more abstract, gauzy tribute to motherhood.

For nine minutes, a very pregnant Beyonce floated about the stage with a phalanx of women in what was "quite the visual spectacle," The Washington Post's Elahe Izade wrote:

"The singing didn't begin for quite some time. Instead, we heard a prerecorded Beyonce reciting poetry in the mold of her visual album Lemonade as she moved about the stage joined by an army of women in shimmery white and gold dresses.

"'Do you remember being born?' she asked, dressed as a golden goddess. 'Are you thankful for the hips that cracked, the deep velvet of your mother, and her mother, and her mother?'"

Viewer reactions ranged from confused to mind-blown. In one of the performance's most memorable moments, Beyonce leaned back in a chair on the edge of a long table, continuing to sing the life out of Love Drought even while tipping at a precarious angle.

When people scoured her Instagram feed trying to sleuth out clues about the twins

Beyonce's Instagram feed has been a master class in how to remain fierce while pregnant, with the pop superstar posting pictures looking equally fabulous at everything from a red-carpet art gala to the dance floor.

However, her superfans have been busy sussing out less obvious details. In March, when Bey posted pictures of herself in a little black dress and a pair of thigh-high boots, the Beyhive zeroed in on her earrings, pointing out that they were same pair she wore in her music video for If I Were a Boy. Soon, the prevailing theory on social media was that she was, in fact, having twin boys.

A tenuous connection? Perhaps. But as Teen Vogue pointed out, Beyonce has a history of dropping hints through her fashion choices.

Fans also scrolled back through Bey's Instagram feed to try to pick up any clues they might have missed that she was expecting. A video she posted in December - in which she posed next to presumably the Carter family Christmas tree and held up two fingers - suddenly received extra scrutiny by people declaring it had been a now-obvious hint she was pregnant with twins.

When a former president of the United States gave away the twins' gender. Or did he?

In honour of Jay Z's induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, former President Barack Obama recorded a video, released last week. It was a moving, humorous look at their similar backgrounds and qualities.

"I like to think that Mr. Carter and I understand each other," Obama said in the recording. "Nobody who met us as younger men would have expected us to be where we are today. We know what it's like to not have a father around; we know what it's like not to come from and to know people who didn't get the same breaks we did, so we try to prop open those doors of opportunity so it's a little easier for those who come up behind us to succeed, as well."

But it was a single other line in the video that caught the attention of the Beyhive: "Jay and I are also fools for our daughters, although he's going to have me beat once those two twins show up."

Had the former president accidentally - or intentionally - revealed that Beyonce would be having twin girls? There was only silence from Bey and Jay.

When Beyonce's own dad tried to announce the twins' birth on Father's Day - and the internet shut him down

Even a tweet that seemed to confirm the births on Sunday from Beyonce's father and former manager was met with what could most kindly be described as skepticism.

"They're here!" Mathew Knowles tweeted on Father's Day amid numerous unconfirmed media reports over the weekend that the twins had arrived.

Despite the familial source, people were not having it.

The Washington Post