Daily Life


Your week in the stars


April 21 – May 20

Try not to second guess yourself. With Mercury now in your own sign, you could be overthinking simple situations. Dreams and strange coincidences this week may bring you insights, which will help.


May 21 – June 21

Creatively, brilliant ideas are coming thick and fast. You may want to keep these a secret, but realistically your best option is to share your vision – to bring it to reality, you'll need help from others. 



June 22 – July 23

Look at expanding your tech skills. Learning new techniques or mastering new equipment will help you to adjust your work-life balance. Anything that saves time or effort should be embraced.


July 24 – August 23

Long-term planning is very useful this week, so use Mercury's energies to plan for the coming year and beyond. If you need a new skill, stop doubting yourself and consider going back to school.


August 24 – September 23

Whether it's at work or at home, your power this week lies with your ability to tell stories that other people want to hear. People are listening, so make sure you have something worthwhile to say.


September 24 – October 22

Boost your love life by paying attention to your lover's mind – it's intellectual rapport that will bring you closer, rather than physicality. Share your dreams, your histories and your plans.


October 23 – November 22

Put your charm to good use this week by negotiating, whether that's in your personal life or in business. You can create win-win situations from nothing, so keep talking until you fi nd a solution that works for everyone. 


November 23 – December 22

It's a very hectic week at work, but this isn't an issue because you have a plan. Excellent time management helps you to get more done in less time. Under pressure, you're showing what you're made of, and making a great impression.


December 23 – January 20

If you're single, your quirky sense of humour may attract a new date this week. If you're in an established relationship, make more eff ort to be spontaneous and fun. Th ere's no need to get stuck in a rut; fi nd creative and magical ways to renew the spark.


January 21 – February 20

You're most comfortable this week where you feel safest, which is probably at home. Work from there if you can, or at least leave early when possible. Family relationships are warm and fuzzy thanks to Mercury's benign influence.


February 21 – March 20

Fast thinking means you're finding new opportunities at work, but sometimes you move so quickly that you miss vital details. Try to find a balance between enthusiasm and caution. It's not easy, but prioritising will help.


March 21 – April 20

Getting your finances in order is a top priority this week, and Mercury will help you with this. Avoid lavish spending on a lover – you don't need to buy love. Show your affection with your words and your touch instead.