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What we need to do to make workplaces fairer to women

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Women are constantly being told they need to be more assertive and confident if they want to do well at work, but are then frequently accused of "bullying" or not being a team player if they do display those qualities.

"I act for a lot of people responding to workplace complaints," says Emma Starkey, senior associate at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers. "But it's rare to have a male client who's had to respond to allegations they 'looked at someone the wrong way' or had a certain 'tone'.

"These allegations are, however, regularly made about women accused of being a bully. There's a real disconnect and double standard in the workplace."

Too often, women are told they have to change if they want to succeed in the workplace, says Starkey. But the answer actually lies with bringing about cultural change within companies and organisations. And the government should take the lead on this issue by implementing effective, proactive legislation.

Research has found women receiving performance reviews are 1.4 times more likely to receive critical subjective feedback at work – as against either positive feedback or critical objective feedback – because of the gender bias of the person writing the report.

"Personality traits of what we deem to be a good leader or employee are quite masculine," says Starkey. "So there needs to be greater education of people at all levels of an organisation, not just the top, to recognise the gender prism they're seeing through and challenge some of those assumptions.


"The culture of organisations and companies needs to be changed, and education and training around this is crucial. All organisations should have rigorous reporting and analysis requirements so they can look at themselves more critically to recognise where the problems lie."

The other common discrimination that needs addressing in the workplace before real progress can be made, according to Starkey, is around pregnancy and maternity leave.

While many Scandinavian countries legislate for generous parental leave, Australia is way behind.

In 2014 an Australian Human Rights Commission report found one in two women experienced some form of pregnancy-related discrimination.

Former Channel 10 newsreader Tracey Spicer, who has been outspoken on this issue after leaving the station following her own maternity leave, says only one in five women who experience this form of discrimination is financially or emotionally able to fight the inequity they have suffered.

"Workplaces are still designed by men for men, and it hasn't changed since the industrial revolution," says Spicer, who's just released a book, The Good Girl Stripped Bare, about her experience. "They don't have anywhere near enough flexibility built in.

There's a real disconnect and double standard in the workplace

Emma Starkey, senior associate at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers.

"There have been great advances at the top end of corporate Australia but the federal government doesn't take it seriously enough. I think it's important for women to share stories about this, and it can be even more powerful than stats and figures in changing hearts and minds."

But it also requires that time-out be normalised in the workplace for both men and women, advises Starkey. She quotes a research paper from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which recently revealed only one in 50 Australian men takes parental leave.

"We need to normalise the fact that men are taking carer's leave when a baby is born and ongoing; and increase paternity leave in Australia and make it easier to access," Starkey says.

"The conversation needs to be not just about women but about changing workplaces so they're more suitable for everyone to manage their carer responsibilities. We also need to see affordable and accessible childcare.

"There's a lot of talk about flexible workplaces but they still too often exist on a core idea of nine-to-five working."

Worldwide, it's critical for this kind of progress to be made in the workplace, argues to Dr Ly Phan, the author of a Sydney University PhD on women's empowerment and fertility preferences, currently working at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

"Women taking time out to have babies has always traditionally been a flashpoint for gender equity issues, and in the past a lot of more successful career women have chosen not to have children, or to have fewer children, to avoid the problem of being discriminated against," she says.

"My research discovered that some of those women have now gone back to having children, or more than one child, presumably because they're feeling more confident about their career progression. But there's still a long way to go before better employment conditions for women actually relieve the low fertility issues in our ageing population."

Professor Marian Baird, chair of work and organisational studies at the University of Sydney Business School agrees with Starkey that companies need to work much harder to set targets and quotas and collect data on the results to turn it into a measurable process.

"There's also a need for more mentoring and role-playing to make it obvious that women can do jobs in the same way with the same output as men," Professor Baird says.

"It's essential to demonstrate change too. It's as important to talk up the successes as to talk down the problems."

Baird says pay equality is "probably the most symbolic area" when it comes to workplace fairness, "and that's not just about equal pay in the same jobs; it's about the equal valuing of work that women do across the board," she says.

"Then once we've started on the change process, we have to pay it careful attention to make sure it keeps going, and people don't revert to old norms."

The government also needs to show it's serious about gender equality, Starkey says.

"It should be imposing harsher penalties on companies making women redundant after maternity leave, and harsher consequences for those not allowing people to work flexibly," she says.

"At the moment, the legal process puts the responsibility on the individual and that's a hard dynamic when someone has to go up against a large company.

Instead, legislative reform is crucial to bring about cultural change both in organisations and broader society, Starkey adds. "We're now getting to that tipping point where we need to see action."

Brought to you by Maurice Blackburn