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How Mia Freedman got her Roxane Gay interview so wrong

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It's been a week of frantic mea culpa-ing once again for Mia Freedman, after a Mamamia podcast with celebrated US author Roxane Gay went horribly wrong. Global headline-making wrong.

Gay, who gained fame and worldwide feminist adoration with her 2014 book of essays Bad Feminist, recorded the "No Filter" podcast with Freedman while she was in Australia for the Sydney Writers Festival, and promoting her latest book, Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body. It's a book in which Gay lays bare her struggle with life as a fat woman – who is also black, and queer – in a world that despises all of the above. Woven into the story, along with her famously sharp social commentary, is her ongoing struggle with trauma after having been gang-raped as a child, exploring the part that event and its aftermath played in shaping her complex relationship with her body.

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Roxane Gay slams Mamamia

The acclaimed feminist author took to Twitter in response to a podcast and its description which she says was "cruel and humiliating".

On Tuesday, the day before her book was released in the US, Gay got wind of Freedman's introduction to the the podcast in which she described Gay as "super-morbidly obese" and made a series of sensational claims about the "planning" that went into accommodating the writer ("Will she fit into the office lift?").

An accompanying article which was deleted from the Mamamia website after intense social media backlash, had the title "Why, for the first time, I have no photo from my interview with Roxane Gay", and made Gay's refusal to be pictured its main focus, as well as revealing alleged private correspondence with Gay's publicist that the writer has since denied took place, insisting she only requested "a sturdy chair".

As outrage got the topic trending on Twitter, Gay described Mamamia as "a shit show" and her treatment by Freedman as "cruel and humiliating".


The following day, Hunger was released amid global headlines about the incident with Mamamia, including from The New York Times, Washington Post and The Guardian, as well as equivalent women's websites in the US. Gay tweeted: "Today was supposed to be about my new book. That is what I wanted. And then an Australian website made today painful."

To understand exactly where and how badly Freedman went wrong, it's necessary to have a solid grasp of contemporary intersectional feminism and Roxane Gay's position within the movement, as a sort of popular high priestess and no-BS-taking truth-talker.

Intersectional feminism is about recognising how aspects of privilege (class, race, sexuality, size, appearance, ability, and of course gender) intersect with each other. So part of an intersectional approach is elevating the voices and experiences of women who are not white, straight, able-bodied and wealthy, as is treating struggles other than those relating to gender as an essential part of the feminist cause.

Mamamia, synonymous with Freedman – its founder and publisher – calls itself the "largest independent women's website in Australia", and says on its website that it is "utterly committed to making a difference to women's lives".

Critics of Mamamia, however, point out it focuses too much on the experiences of women like Freedman: white, straight, middle-class or wealthy, able-bodied. Those on the margins must have their experiences translated, made "relatable" to this audience, which has the effect of further removing their voice and agency.

In the aftermath, feminist theatre director and producer Maeve Marsden wrote that Freedman "considers herself an everywoman, representing the average experience" despite the fact that "most women aren't a combination of thin, straight, white and incredibly rich".

"Privileged people like Freedman consistently – pathologically – force non-normative bodies and identities to feel like a curiosity or imposition," Marsden added.

The incident "shows just how far [Freedman] is from seeing fat people as worthy of humanity and respect and not just an inconvenient vehicle for a thin woman's realisation," Melbourne-based critic Brodie Lancaster wrote for News Corp.

It's an approach that cannot brush up against an intellectual force like Roxane Gay without a minimum of tension, and the risk of flat-out crumbling. At one point in the podcast, Freedman tells Gay she's scared of offending her when the author brings up the fact that, yes, it's awkward to talk about the content of her book with interviewers who aren't used to talking to fat people about their bodies in a way that manages to be both frank and sensitive.

That Freedman went on to spectacularly fail in this regard, despite having read and loved Gay's book and spoken to her about it for an hour is testament to how deeply entrenched fat-phobia remains, even among those who consider themselves enlightened. And Freedman, who was appointed chair of the now-defunct National Body Image Advisory Group in 2009, certainly considers herself a thought leader on the topic of body image. For example, Mamamia's website, states that Mamamia believes "we should be sending young women and girls the message that healthy is beautiful and healthy is not a digitally-altered, underweight person".

The timing couldn't be worse for Freedman, who not only has her own book Work Strife Balance out, but is also attempting to expand her media empire into the US market.

The Mamamia equivalent in the US is Spring St, a site billed as "the happy place for smart women", and according to Mamamia managing director Kylie Rogers, the UK is next. That Spring St is more divorced from Freedman's persona than her eponymous Australian website may help – the real damage that's been done here is to Brand Mia.

Instead of landing her goal – a selfie and a nod from the ultimate Bad Feminist Roxane Gay – Freedman got an instant stateside reputation for being an actually-bad, fake feminist. And no selfie either.

Luckily for Freedman, she's so well-practised in the mea culpa she named one of her books after it. She's now removed the offending podcast intro and replaced it with a fulsome apology – an effort to turn her grave error of judgement into a "teaching moment". She did not respond to a request for comment. Whether it will work on her readers, many of whom have declared this latest faux pas the final straw, remains to be seen.

PR guru Dee Madigan, executive creative director for Campaign Edge, thought her apology "was genuine, thoughtful and showed a real insight into what she had done wrong."

The only other question now is whether Freedman's schtick will be able to survive its foray into the US market, which already has the popular female/feminist internet media space well covered, with sites such as Refinery29, Jezebel, xoJane, The Cut, Feministing, The Mary Sue and more, and where ignorance of issues around race, diversity and body image is less likely to be tolerated.

Fusion media analyst Steve Allen thinks Freedman's own goal could easily prove fatal. "When you're a foreign invader, so-to-speak, you need to keep your nose clean in order to gain traction," Allen says.

"For those who are close followers of Roxane this would be unforgivable," he adds. "Everyone can connect the dots, especially in this digital age."

In Madigan's view though, the furore won't deter investors who are more interested in the bottom line: "And it's a very successful business."