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A period emoji may sound silly, but here's why it's important

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I was 11 when I had my first period. I was pretty happy about it at first; I was becoming a woman and I naively believed that would come with some benefits. My mum told me that having my period needn't change anything – I wasn't sick, so despite being doubled over with menstrual cramps I could still go to school (lucky me!).

The reality of having my period in primary school was pretty rough. There weren't any bins in the toilets so I carried my used pads around with me. I wasn't allowed to leave class to visit the bathroom and leaked through my summer dress. My best friend thoughtfully told everyone that I'd had a mishap with some tomato ketchup. She stopped the laughter, but she couldn't stop my inner shame.

The average woman has 500 periods during her life. I reckon I've had about 306 so far. Sadly, over the course of this time some things haven't changed much. Periods are still a source of embarrassment and shame for girls, and conversations about menstruation are still fairly taboo.

This is especially pronounced in the developing world. Recent research from Plan International (a global charity that hopes to reduce the shame and stigma of menstruation) found that in Ghana 90 per cent of girls say they feel ashamed during their period. In Ethiopia, 51 per cent of girls miss one to four days of school a month, and in India only one in 10 girls and women have access to sanitary products.

But if you think those of us in the developing world can escape the negative connotations that come from bleeding, you only have to look at the disturbing language that some raw food bloggers are using to describe periods. Periods may be inconvenient, but they're not "toxic".


It's not all bad news, though. There have also been some great leaps forward – the invention of the menstrual cup (life changing for me) and, more recently, period underwear that can absorb blood. Time off work because of period pain or heavy bleeding has become a reality in some organisations and now there is a campaign to launch a period emoji.

The campaign is the work of Plan International, which has designed five different options that the public can vote on (you can vote via Facebook here).

Emoji might seem like a trivial thing, but giving women and particularly girls a new way to talk about their periods is a big step towards breaking the wall of silence that has long surrounded menstruation.

Feminist organiser and writer Karen Pickering is currently writing a book about menstruation and menopause in collaboration with the Victorian Women's Trust. She tells me that a period emoji is not only logical; it's exciting.

"It's a fact that younger women use emoji as part of their conversational tool box so why not have cute or amusing symbols for another part of their life," she says.

"Like a lot of women I want ways to talk about my period that normalise it and make it a more comfortable topic for people. It helps to push against the idea that [periods] should be secret."

Pickering notes that there are quite literally thousands of emoji available, so why shouldn't we have one to symbolise something that over half the world's population experiences every month?

"There is a smiley poo emoji so why not a tampon emoji?" she asks.

Women have already started to confront the powerful menstrual taboo. Artists such as Rupi Kaur have helped to challenge the idea that bleeding is dirty (a photo showing Kaur in bed with blood stains on the sheets and on her pants was removed from Instagram twice).

Despite this progress, the idea that menstruation is secret women's business persists, thanks to a period taboo that has been passed from generation to generation. "Girls are often excited to be initiated into adulthood and so they become keepers of the taboo," Pickering says.

"Girls get the message from a young age that their period is something to hide and not something to talk about. Then they carry that into adulthood, whether they got it from their mum or pop culture messages or from their peers."

How can we change this? Well, we can start being more open about our own experiences, and crucially, we can change the tone of the conversation when we initiate the next generation of girls into womanhood.

Periods don't have to be a source of embarrassment and shame. They are simply a fact of life.

My daughters are years away from menstruation, but they already know all about it. They have seen me use tampons and a menstrual cup. I've answered their questions honestly using words they understand. I'm not embarrassed anymore, and I hope that when the time comes, they won't be either.

Period emoji will give us another way to talk about menstruation; but more than anything, we just need to talk about it. Period.