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Forcing ourselves to feel happy can make us feel a whole lot worse

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 Have you ever encountered a suffering sandwich? No, I'm not referring to a baguette with tinnitus or a panini going through a divorce. Has there been a time where you have experienced a negative emotion, and then felt bad for feeling that way? If so, you're not alone.

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The science of happiness

The fast-evolving field of neuroscience tackles one of humanity's most enduring questions - what is "happiness"?

A recent study conducted by the University of Melbourne showed that overemphasising the importance of happiness actually results in an increase of depressive symptoms. The results of the study highlighted the external pressure we feel to be happy: the more a participant felt pressured to not feel sad or anxious, the more likely they were to report an increase in depressive symptoms. We feel bad about feeling bad.

It's essentially layered suffering. You have a negative event, then a negative emotional experience, followed by a negative emotion about the initial negative feeling: guilt, shame, I shouldn't feel this way. Voila! A suffering sandwich.

These findings echo the work Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been promoting for years. ACT, fronted by Russ Harris in Australia, does not have "symptom reduction" as a goal. Rather, it posits that the constant urge to reduce symptoms and change these feelings is what causes a spike in distress. Sitting with discomfort and learning to reframe our relationship with our thoughts and feelings is more worthwhile than focusing on eliminating pain.

Now, the idea is not to burst into primary schools shrieking "Life is pain!" whenever a classroom sings If You're Happy and You Know It, as fun as that would be. Rather, it's a subtle change in the way we view "normality" to include suffering – life does have pain.


Obviously it's not an equal playing field – some people experience severe mental illness, others have disproportionately disadvantaged backgrounds – but all of us feel frustration, sadness or fear from time to time. Why add to that by stressing about stress, or feeling bad for feeling bad?

These findings are fairly important, given that an estimated 3 million Australians are living with depression, but the ideas can be applied to virtually everyone. Regardless of diagnosis, we can all benefit by acknowledging our feelings and honouring them, rather than judging or criticising them. It's natural that I feel bad right now, and that's OK. Acknowledging pain does not mean it will consume you; in fact, it's vital for building resilience and moving through it. This is essentially validation, which plays a role in helping us accept our internal experience, as well as when others around us are in crisis.

While self-validation is crucial to a healthy relationship with our minds, it's also crucial to helping others who may be upset or in crisis. Validating someone else doesn't have to look like an hour-long deep and meaningful conversation. It can be as simple as responding to an upset friend by saying "I'm sorry you're feeling sad" as opposed to "don't be sad". It might seem tiny, but that slight variation can make a huge difference to how they feel.

For me, reframing the way I view my own emotions has been vital throughout my decade-long soiree with chronic depression. ACT and other modern therapies, including dialectical behavioural therapy, are helping me acknowledge and label my emotions, and I'm learning to simply hold uncomfortable feelings.

It's the difference between being suffocated by distress with a cushion, or having it sit next to you on the couch.

The action of labelling and accepting the feeling (without judging it as good or bad) helps me feel less anxious. Make no mistake, the black dog is absolutely still present, but I'm learning to shake the shame and guilt on those days when he is extra loud. It's far less stressful to state "I'm feeling fragile today" than to plaster a fake grin on my face and shout "EVERYTHING IS FINE". It is what it is – there's no struggle.

In a society that surrounds us with messages stressing the importance of happiness (you can't walk past a homewares store without an imperious mug commanding you to LIVE LAUGH LOVE), it is natural to feel nervous about expressing sorrow. There may be a fear of wallowing, of being seen as a pessimist or an Eeyore. But the evidence is there telling us that we need to acknowledge and sit with the pain in order to move through it.

Beating ourselves up about feeling pain only makes things worse. So I ask you to allow yourself to feel bad some days, and try to be gentle with yourself when you do. We all have our own individual dollop of pain on our plate – don't turn it into a sandwich.