Crisis in East Africa

A crippling multi-year drought, exacerbated by climate change and conflict, is causing millions of people in East Africa to face starvation. Support communities in South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda that have been hit hardest by malnutrition and conflict.

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We’re a community of Jewish global citizens committed to repairing the world.

What We Do

We strive to end poverty and promote human rights in the developing world. No easy task, but we’ve got the knowledge, passion and innovation to make a difference.

Where We Work

Four continents. Nineteen countries. Through grantmaking and advocacy, we're improving the lives of millions of people around the world.


In Mexico, AJWS focuses on upholding civil and political rights in the face of a repressive government. We defend Mexican communities from corporate interests and corruption, and promote the right to land, food, water and other natural resources that Mexican people depend on for survival.

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In Guatemala, AJWS focuses on ending violence and discrimination against women, youth and indigenous people, and protecting the land and natural resources that farmers need to survive.

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AJWS focuses on restoring civil and political rights for all in Honduras, where criminal activity and government instability have injected violence into civilians’ daily lives.

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El Salvador

In El Salvador, AJWS focuses on ending human rights violations against women and LGBT people, and protecting the land and water that is critical for the survival of farmers, indigenous people, youth, women and communities affected by civil war.

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AJWS focuses on two pressing issues in Nicaragua: advancing the rights of women and LGBT people, and defending the land, food and water that indigenous people need to survive.

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AJWS focuses on promoting human rights in Haiti and protecting Haitian land as the country recovers from the devastating earthquake in 2010 and decades of coups, dictatorships, occupations and invasions.

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Dominican Republic

AJWS focuses on advancing the civil and political rights of those most affected by inequality in the Dominican Republic, including Haitian migrants and Dominicans of Haitian descent. We also work to enable women, girls and LGBT Dominicans to live with safety, health and dignity.

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AJWS plays a key role in supporting peace organizations working to end 30 years of civil war in the Casamance region of Senegal, where conflict has brought violence into the lives of civilians and robbed people of their essential civil and political rights. Over the…

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In Liberia, AJWS focuses on three issues: responding to the devastating Ebola epidemic, securing communities' access to land and other natural resources that they depend on for survival, and ending discrimination and violence against women and LGBT people.

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Côte d’Ivoire

AJWS focuses on advancing civil and political rights in Côte d’Ivoire, a country recovering from brutal civil wars and striving for peace, justice and economic recovery.

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Democratic Republic of Congo

AJWS helps people in the Democratic Republic of Congo recover from decades of violence, insecurity and genocide, and protect the land that so many depend on for survival.

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AJWS focuses on two issues in Uganda: ending discrimination and violence against women, girls and LGBT people, and defending communities' access to land, water and natural resources that are being exploited by oil drilling projects.

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In Kenya, AJWS defends communities' access to land, water and other natural resources that are being exploited by development projects. We also help end violence and discrimination against Kenyan women, girls and LGBT people.

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Sri Lanka

AJWS focuses on two critical human rights issues in Sri Lanka: advancing civil and political rights, and increasing access to land, water and other natural resources that communities depend on for survival.

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AJWS focuses on three critical issues in India: ending the practice of child marriage, advancing the rights of women, girls and LGBT people, and increasing access to food, land, water and other natural resources that communities depend on for survival.

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On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal—followed by innumerable aftershocks and a second powerful 7.3 magnitude quake two weeks later. The disaster killed more than 8,500 people; injured and displaced tens of thousands more; and reduced homes, buildings and historic landmarks to…

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AJWS focuses on two key issues in Burma: promoting fundamental civil and political rights, particularly for ethnic minorities and women, and protecting Burmese farmers' access to land, food and water resources that are being exploited by the construction of hydro-electric dams and mining projects.

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AJWS focuses on two pressing issues in Thailand: ending human rights violations against LGBT people, and defending the land, water and natural resources critical for the survival of Thailand’s people.

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AJWS focuses on two critical human rights issues in Cambodia: civil and political rights, and the right to land, water and other natural resources that communities depend on for survival.

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The Philippines

In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan tore through the Philippines. AJWS provided immediate emergency relief and is now providing support for long-term recovery efforts with a focus on upholding human rights.

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4,700 New Refugees Every Day

As AJWS’s Director of Disaster Response and International Operations, I’m deeply alarmed that the global refugee crisis is continuing to escalate. More people were displaced… Read More

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