Federal Politics

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Politics live: Free speech in the spotlight as politicians argue about 18C

18C: stronger or weaker?

Malcolm Turnbull says he's strengthening the Racial Discrimination Act, Labor says the government is weakening it.

Time for me to wrap up. What happened?

  • Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced his plan to change racial vilification laws;
  • Mr Turnbull says the laws need to change to better protect free speech and better protect people from racism;
  • Mr Turnbull says the complaints process must also be tidied up;
  • Labor opposes the changes and wants to know what things people would be able to say under the changed laws that they cannot say now;
  • Mr Turnbull says he has faith that the Australian people are not racist;
  • the issue dominated the day including much of question time.

My thanks to Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen for their excellent work and to you for reading and commenting.

You can follow me on Facebook.

Alex, Andrew and I will be back in the morning. We hope to see you then. Enjoy your evening.

In the House of Representatives MPs are debating the changes to 18C.

Labor frontbencher Linda Burney begins her speech by reading out a text message she received today: "Why are you abos allowed to harass people outside grocery stores?"

Labor MP Linda Burney speaks in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.
Labor MP Linda Burney speaks in the House of Representatives on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Special Minister of State, Scott Ryan, has flagged the introduction of the government's electoral law changes.

Next week legislation will be introduced which, if passed, the government hopes will rule out a repeat of Labor's 'Mediscare' texts.

"These changes will better serve voters by making sure Australians know who is trying to influence them," Senator Ryan said.

"This bill will ensure all are treated fairly and equally in requiring political material to be authorised, and bring the regime into the modern era."

Liberal senator James Paterson, a leading proponent of changing the race hate laws, is speaking to Sky News.

He says there are too many cases going before the courts and it is limiting people's right to free speech.

"Offence is not a good enough reason on its own [to make a complaint]," Senator Paterson says.

"I don't think insults either are good enough grounds to limit free speech."

"The hard right derides it in the liberal-left as "virtue signalling" - pious flag-waving by the elites around such causes as refugees, multiculturalism, climate change, and entrenched sexism - designed to show its members exist on a higher moral plane," Mark Kenny writes.

"So what is to be made of the Turnbull government's fanatical tinkering with the nation's racial offence laws? The expression of electoral urgency, of public clamour?"

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And that's it for question time.

Defence Industries Minister Christopher Pyne during question time on Tuesday.
Defence Industries Minister Christopher Pyne during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The opposition has returned to one of its favourite games - baiting Treasurer Scott Morrison.

I thought it would have stuck with free speech for a bit longer but there you go.

The chamber has settled down - a bit - since question time began.

Treasurer Scott Morrison during question time on Tuesday.
Treasurer Scott Morrison during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

It's always nice when ex MPs drop in.

Former member Wyatt Roy (right) in the public gallery during question time on Tuesday.
Former member Wyatt Roy (right) in the public gallery during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

All the government's questions have been about energy policy.

It's even managing to link the recent asthma attacks that sparked a spike in the numbers of people turning to hospital admissions departments to energy.

It does this by saying it is incredibly important that the power in hospitals doesn't go out which means it is great the Snowy Hydro scheme is being expanded.

Which is not untrue, it's just a bit of a stretch.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton during question time on Tuesday.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Turnbull: "I believe all Australians are absolutely opposed to racism in any form."

Labor MP Anne Aly listens to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday.
Labor MP Anne Aly listens to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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Dr Aly asks another question referencing her own experiences of racism: "What exactly does the Prime Minister want people to be able to say that they cannot say now?"

Mr Turnbull: "I understand the point the honourable member is saying. I can assure her my government, and all Australians, are opposed to racism in any form."

Labor MP Anne Aly listens as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks in question time on Tuesday.
Labor MP Anne Aly listens as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks in question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Labor MP Anne Aly asks Mr Turnbull a question about the Racial Discrimination Act.

Her question is genuine but it doesn't hurt that it's Parliament's first female Muslim asking a very establishment man about the issue.

"Clear language provides better protection," Mr Turnbull say.

"Australian are entitled to speak freely."

Labor MP Anne Aly listens to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday.
Labor MP Anne Aly listens to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his frontbench during question time on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his frontbench during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Turnbull: "It's a stronger law, a fairer law."

The chamber has reached Thursday-like levels in terms of cacophonies and walls of noise.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Question time begins.

No prizes for guessing what topic of the day will be.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten asks Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull why he has chosen "today, of all days" to water down protections against racial discrimination.

Mr Turnbull says the Coalition has "more respect for the Australian people than the Australian Labor Party".

"We know that our precious freedoms, our freedom of speech, is the foundation of our nation."

Nearly question time.

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The government will introduce the changes into the Senate (because that's where Senator Brandis resides).

But Mr Burke suggests it might be because the Coalition is concerned it might not have enough votes in the House of Representatives.

Labor is very anti the Coalition's proposed changes.

"As if we're meant to believe this is a strengthening of the law - no one will believe that," frontbencher Tony Burke says.

"Yesterday this government released its multicultural policy. It didn't even survive 24 hours before they walked all over it."

This is the event Mr Turnbull attended shortly before the press conference.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attended the Power of Speech awards on Tuesday 21.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attended the Power of Speech awards on Tuesday 21. Photo: Andrew Meares

"A clearer law is a stronger law," Mr Turnbull says.

"The reality is if you have language which is too wide, too general, it has a chilling effect on free speech."

"What we've set out is clear language which will protect Australians from racial vilification."

And that's it for the press conference.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Turnbull is asked if the Coalition is prepared to lose votes because of the issue.

Mr Turnbull says Labor will exploit any issue for votes: "Why would this be any different?"

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the media on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the media on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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