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Rare cancer sufferers given reprieve with new drug subsidy

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Sufferers of a rare blood cell cancer will get cheap access to a new drug after an unprecedented move by the Turnbull government.

For the first time, the government has listed a medicine on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme after an application by patients, rather than a drug company.

From Saturday, sufferers of relapsed or refractory cutaneous t-cell lymphoma - a white blood cell cancer that predominantly affects the skin - will be able to get a drug at the heavily subsidised price of $38.80 per script or $6.30 for concessional patients.

Vorinostat normally would normally cost patients about $18,950 a year.

It will benefit patients like 77-year-old Elise, who says the disease - which causes slow-growing and painful cancers all over her skin - was completely debilitating until she started on the drug as part of a clinical trial.

"I'm no longer living in excruciating discomfort with weeping sores when knocked, and I am no longer robbed of my self-confidence and self-esteem. I'm now able to live an active and happy life," she said.


The application for listing was made by patients group Rare Cancers Australia. Normally, it is the manufacturer that applies.

"This listing is a huge step in the right direction and a monumental win for all Australians," said RCA director John Cannings. 

The drug is among $142 million worth of new listings to the PBS.

Also being listed is adalimumab, for the treatment of hidradentis suppurativa – a painful, debilitating skin disease. The drug usually costs $35,199 per course. A treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - a lung disease - will also be added.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said the government had added around $6 billion of new drugs to the PBS. 

"The Turnbull government has a rock-solid commitment to Medicare and part of this commitment is ensuring people have access to medicine when they need it."

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