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The cities that run the world

 There's now over 500 cities with one million people or more. But some urban giants are more powerful than others.

An elite group of about 50 have emerged as global cities.

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Four metros dominate most global city lists: New York, London, Paris and Tokyo. Two Asian trading hubs – Hong Kong and Singapore – are normally added along with two great centres of government – Washington and Brussels. A group of regional powerhouses like Chicago, Frankfurt, Toronto, Istanbul and Shanghai round out the urban big league.

Australia is not overlooked – both Sydney and Melbourne are routinely included. But the two cities have some characteristics which weaken their claims to global city status.

Some global cities, such as New York and London, have been dominant since the industrial age. But new players including Mumbai, Sao Paulo and Dubai are on the rise.

And this select urban cohort has growing influence on world affairs.


While launching this month's Chicago Forum on Global Cities, Ivo Daalder, president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, said: "Previously we asked if global cities will drive the global economy. Now, we ask how they will do so."

So what is a 'global city'?

Nothing defines global cities like economic power. Saskia Sasson, a leading theorist of global cities, describes them as the "strategic sites" that run the world.

Their banks and markets finance the global economy and their specialised, knowledge-intensive firms deliver services essential to its operation.

While global cities tend to be large – most have 3 million people or more – size alone is not enough. Several relatively small cities have global city status because of their supremacy in an important sector, such as San Francisco because of its high-tech dominance and Zurich because of its role in global finance. Some enormous urban centres, such as Karachi in Pakistan or Lagos in Nigeria, don't have the economic or cultural influence to be deemed a global city.

Global cities thrive on their universities and are hubs for innovation. They are rich in human capital – or know-how – because of an abundance of well-educated workers.

Global cities dominate popular culture through their powerful media outlets and creative industries. Their high art, fine restaurants and vibrant night life help attract and retain talented workers.

Global cities are open to new people and ideas. They are magnets for migrants and visitors which add to their diversity, another key strength.

Richard Longworth, the author of a new report on global cities published by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, says the rise of these international command posts was unexpected.

"The advent of digital communications seemed to free both businesses and business services from their ties to the crumbling industrial cities," he writes. "It seemed likely that these people could take their global expertise to a lakeside or mountain slope, secure that everything they needed to know would be available on their phone or laptop. It didn't work out that way."

Most big corporations now find they need to be based in global cities.

Longworth argues that true global cities must balance four pillars of urban life.

The first is civic. They need effective city government supported by active non-government institutions, such as think tanks and foundations, especially those "embedded in the global society".

The second is commercial. Global cities require a powerful business and finance community with global connections.

The third is outstanding education and research. That means high-ranking universities and top-quality schools.

The fourth is cultural – the arts and entertainment that give a global city its soul. "Global citizens will go to the place where their brains and education can be best used, but they also want to have fun," says Longworth.

Australia's global cities

The recently released Global Cities Index 2017, prepared by consultancy AT Kearney, ranks both Sydney and Melbourne among the top 20.

This year Melbourne was sixth on the report's Global Cities Outlook Index, which identifies metros likely to become more prominent on the global stage (Sydney was 13th).

In 2017 Melbourne and Sydney were part of AT Kearney's "global elite of cities" list.

"These cities are not only performing well, but also positioned for continued growth and global influence in the future," the report said.

It is easy to underestimate the economic clout of Melbourne and Sydney.

Sydney's economic output topped $US300 billion last financial year, comparable to the gross domestic product of Hong Kong or Malaysia when measured in US dollars. If Sydney were a city-state like Singapore it would rate among Asia's 10 largest economies and in the world's top 40. A Melbourne city-state would rank among the world's 50 biggest economies when measured in US dollars.

Together, Sydney and Melbourne accounted for 42 per cent of Australia's gross domestic product in 2015-16, analysis by consultancy SGS Economics and Planning found.

However, Sydney and Melbourne have some attributes which undermine their claims to global city status. Both have much lower population densities than most cities given the "global" tag. Sydney and Melbourne also have a very high level of car dependency, and a relatively low level of mass transit coverage, compared with many pre-eminent global cities.

Global cities, global problems

Some of the biggest challenges of the 21st century are on display in global cities.

Terrorism is, increasingly, a big-city problem and the world's most prominent metros including London, Paris and New York have become prime targets for violent extremists.

Responding to climate change also looms large. While urban density means large cities make relatively efficient use of energy, their sheer size means they produce a lot of pollution. Cities are responsible for over 70 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Metros will be vulnerable to more frequent super storms and sea-level rise.

And even the world's most successful cities are grappling with growing economic inequality.

"If global cities monopolise global power they also stand on the front lines of global problems," argues Longworth. "Terrorism, climate change, inequality, demographic change all hit global cities first and hardest."

Another challenge for global cities is how they relate to the regions that surround them. There's a growing divide between places left behind by global economic change and the cosmopolitan city centres that have benefited from it. Many successful global cities are increasingly detached from their hinterlands.

Old industrial cities related primarily with their local regions but global cities are increasingly integrated with the international flow of capital, goods, people and ideas.

Sydney and Melbourne exhibit this trend. Many enterprises in both cities conduct more business in Asia and beyond than they do in regional areas of NSW and Victoria.

"Once these cities dominated their hinterlands," writes Longworth. "Their economic vitality spread throughout the region. Today, that economic vitality is concentrated so densely in the global cities that there is little to spare for the hinterland."

There are claims global cities are so powerful they are actually sucking the economic life out of their hinterlands.

Author and urban theorist Richard Florida calls this "winner-take-all urbanism" – where a small group of elite places forge ahead, while most others struggle or fall behind.

Coming to grips with these complex economic dynamics will be difficult. But global cities are here to stay.

"What happens in and to these global cities will determine the lives we all lead in the 21st century," says Longworth.

Matt Wade attended the Chicago Forum on Global Cities as a guest of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.