ACT News


Canberra temperature to plummet to minus 6 degrees on weekend

A cosy weekend sleep-in will be well and truly justified with the temperature set to plummet to minus 6 degrees in Canberra on Sunday.

The freezing morning will represent winter's coldest temperature but falls shy of the record low of minus 8.5, recorded in 1957.

Maximum temperatures will hover between 10 and 12 degrees between Thursday and Sunday, with minimums of minus 4 degrees on Thursday and Friday and minus 5 degrees on Saturday.

Frosts are forecast throughout this week but expected to lift for predicted rain next Monday and Tuesday.

Cool Country Natives in Pialligo prepares its nursery for frosts by covering traditionally warmer-climate species with a thermal frost cover and moving others near walls and under eaves.

"Other than that, we have certain pockets within the nursery, so spots we know are warmer or have protection from trees until they've hardened off," manager Sally Blakeley-Fook said.


"Some things we can't acclimatise. It gets to a point and they're not used to the Canberra climate and they'll drop a few leaves, but they're mostly fine."

Rodney Toll, owner of Rodney's Plants Plus, suggested home gardners keep their soil moist.

"The other thing people can do is mulch ... it's like a thermal cover, electric blanket almost," he said.

The maximum temperature recorded this month was 17.2 degrees on June 8. The average maximum was 13.8 degrees with the average minimum minus 1.2 degrees.

But, news of the impending cold snap didn't phase one reader, who wrote: "4 [degrees] - Sydney residents shiver uncontrollably. People in Canberra sunbathe....[Minus] 273 [degrees] - ALL atomic motion stops. People in Canberra start saying 'Cold 'nuff for ya?'"