Premier Mark McGowan's GST plan could see WA pocket $10 billion

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This was published 7 years ago

Premier Mark McGowan's GST plan could see WA pocket $10 billion

By Brendan Foster

The McGowan government wants to see a radical shake-up of how the GST is carved up between states, which could see $10 billion poured into WA's kitty.

The state government's plan, which forms part of its submission to the Turnbull government's Productivity Commission inquiry into the GST distribution model, would see WA get an equal share of the $66 billion GST pool.

The McGowan government wants a major overhaul of the GST system.

The McGowan government wants a major overhaul of the GST system.Credit: Glenn Hunt

The ambitious plan means WA could pocket $10.5 billion over three years and help reduce the state's net debt which is expected to reach a staggering $43.2 billion by 2020.

Another option would see WA's share of the GST raise to a "floor" between 75 or 80 cents.

Premier McGowan said federal treasurer Scott Morrison's claim there was nothing he could do was "not good enough".

Premier McGowan said federal treasurer Scott Morrison's claim there was nothing he could do was "not good enough".Credit: James Mooney

WA currently gets just over 34 cents in the dollar after the Commonwealth Grants Commission released its annual distribution figures in March and lifted WA's share from an all-time low of 30 cents.

It was expected WA's share would go up to 38 cents in the dollar.

In contrast to WA, Queensland will get $1.18, South Australia $1.44 and Tasmania $1.80.

The meagre rise in the GST means the WA 2017/18 budget will be $241 million worse off.


Premier Mark McGowan said WA had been getting ripped off for too long.

"As Premier, I want to work constructively with everyone involved to achieve an outcome that will not only deliver WA the GST we deserve, but establish a fair system across the country," he said in a statement.

"WA is putting forward smart and reasonable options to put an end to an outdated and unfair system.

"The outcome of this review is my focus - and more importantly, the implementation of its recommendations to help ensure WA finally gets its fair share of GST."

Treasurer Ben Wyatt admitted it was highly unlikely the state would get the $10.5 billion but said WA should not be getting penalised because of economic data from more than four years ago.

"Yet, at the same time we are being penalised by forecasts out to 2019/20 and 2020/21 for our population projections," he told Radio 6PR on Thursday morning.

"So we are in the perfect bind... all data that has negative impacts on our GST are being considered, so if we could get some recognition that three to four years ago the economic circumstances of WA were fundamentally different than they are now, that would have an impact on the state's finances to the tune of over $3 billion.

"Obviously it's less than the 10 [billion dollars] but I thinks it's important we encourage the Productivity Commission... and Scott Morrison [Federal Treasurer] to take a part that at least generates some positive return to Western Australia."

Back in March, the WA Treasurer blasted Canberra saying the state's share of the GST was "abysmal".

"This again highlights the complete disconnect in particular between the Commonwealth Grants Commission and economic reality of Western Australia," he said.

"What we have now in WA is in effect our fourth year of domestic recession and yet the Commonwealth Grants Commission still assesses WA as having the strongest fiscal capacity of all the states in the nation and so gives us this abysmal return.

"There seems to be an obstinate refusal from the Grants Commission to do two things: one, actually understand what's happening in the WA economy and secondly explain its decision-making process."

The state opposition also wants a radical overhaul of the Commonwealth Grants Commission but believes the majority of GST carve up between states should be distributed on a population basis.

"There are fundamental flaws with the Commonwealth Grants Commission process," Liberal leader Mike Nahan said on Wednesday.

"The horizontal fiscal equalisation has some fundamental flaws in it which creates a disincentive for states to invest in large infrastructure, like things such as mining.

"It also compensates states for not doing so, such as Tasmania for not developing its mineral resources and currently states on the eastern seaboard are being compensated for locking large amounts of gas up allowing not drilling.

"We are not trying to fix the system... the system is broken so our recommendation is to move over time to equal per capita amounts."

Currently the way the GST works is the federal government pockets the tax and then splits the money among the states using a formula called the horizontal fiscal equalisation.

While WA gets $2.35 billion, our nearest neighbours South Australia get almost three times the share of GST pocketing a handy $6.36 billion, despite having almost a million less people.

Even Tasmania, which has one-fifth of the population of WA, gets more GST than us, with $2.4 billion going into the Apple Isle's kitty.


NSW are the big winners getting a whopping $17.6 billion, followed by Queensland with $14.9 billion, and Victoria a close third with $14.8 billion.

So basically, NSW and Victoria get more than half of the GST because the two states don't dig anything from the ground.

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