Kangaroo found skinned, disemboweled near Albany: RSPCA hunt torturer

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This was published 7 years ago

Kangaroo found skinned, disemboweled near Albany: RSPCA hunt torturer

By Hannah Barry

RSPCA WA have called for help to solve yet another sickening case of animal cruelty after a kangaroo was found tortured and killed in the state's South West last week.

A member of the public found the kangaroo still breathing and conscious on the ground in an area west of Albany last week.

Last week RSPCA WA appealed to the public to help solve three other disturbing cases of animal cruelty around the state. In less than 24 hours of the appeal going out, the organisation received a number of new leads which are being followed up.

Last week RSPCA WA appealed to the public to help solve three other disturbing cases of animal cruelty around the state. In less than 24 hours of the appeal going out, the organisation received a number of new leads which are being followed up.Credit: RSPCA WA

The kangaroo was partially skinned and disemboweled, with its front leg seriously injured.

RSPCA WA investigators said they believe the kangaroo may have become incapacitated by injuring its leg, and someone took advantage of its inability to escape.

RSPCA WA chief inspector Amanda Swift called the act "deeply disturbing and barbaric".

RSPCA WA chief inspector Amanda Swift called the act "deeply disturbing and barbaric".Credit: RSPCA

The animal later died as a result of its injuries.

RSPCA WA chief inspector Amanda Swift called the act "deeply disturbing and barbaric".

"I am deeply concerned by the level of violence and suffering this poor innocent animal appears to have been subjected to," Ms Swift said.

"This animal appears to have not only been savagely attacked, which in itself is extremely distressing, it was then left to succumb to its injuries and die a slow and painful death," she added.


"I am very worried about the safety of other animals in the area if the person who did this isn't apprehended quickly, so if anyone knows anything about this incident, I urge you to report it as a matter of urgency," Ms Swift continued.

"We know from reports that cruelty to wildlife is prevalent in WA and people might think they're not accountable to animal welfare laws, but they are."

Earlier this year, a man who brutally bashed a kangaroo to death with a crowbar near Bunbury was sentended to nearly a year behind bars.

At the time of the sentence, RSPCA WA chief executive David van Ooran told the ABC it was "incredibly rare" for someone to be given a jail term for animal cruelty.

"I can't think of a time in recent years and decades where this has occurred," Mr van Ooran said.

"This is a very strong penalty and a very appropriate penalty ... it was clearly a horrific and sickening act against a defenceless animal, behaviour like this is completely unacceptable.


"It's excellent to see that the magistrate in this case has awarded a prison term."

Information relating to any act of animal cruelty should be reported immediately to the RSPCA's 24-hour Cruelty Hotline on 1300 278 3589.

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