Banking and healthcare robots for SEQ? City leaders on tech tour

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Banking and healthcare robots for SEQ? City leaders on tech tour

By Ruth McCosker

The introduction of robots, autonomous vehicles and improved cyber security in south-east Queensland will be discussed by city leaders during a three-day international venture.

On Sunday, representatives from seven councils will head to Singapore on a three-day mission to explore the country's smart technology and find out if and how it could work in south-east Queensland.

The Council of Mayors (SEQ) will explore how service bots can be implemented in south-east Queensland.

The Council of Mayors (SEQ) will explore how service bots can be implemented in south-east Queensland. Credit: Krisztian Bocsi

It will be the first such mission for the Council of Mayors (SEQ), who will attend meetings on leadership, innovation, infrastructure and trade and investment.

The trip itinerary, sighted by Fairfax Media, showed the councillors would attend meetings with government bodies and high-profile Singaporean companies to discuss how aspects of Singapore's "smart" approach to the city could be integrated into south-east Queensland projects.

Discussions in Singapore will include how Marina Bay Sands can be related to the Queens Wharf Development and cruise ship development.

Discussions in Singapore will include how Marina Bay Sands can be related to the Queens Wharf Development and cruise ship development.Credit: fiftymm99

Council of Mayors deputy chair and Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio said the trip would provide south-east Queensland councils with greater awareness and understanding of the opportunities for harnessing emerging technology and its potential application for the state's south-east.

"While in most places, the adoption of smart cities technologies is in its infancy, Singapore is an exemplar in demonstrating the benefits of using these technologies," Cr Antonio said.

Cr Antonio will be joined by representatives of Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Moreton Bay, Redland and Scenic Rim councils.



Singapore's mass rapid transit system, SMRT, is responsible for the operation of three MRT lines as well as light rail, bus and taxi services.

Queensland councillors will have discussions about Singapore's system, its approach and how it is integrated into development, current major projects and autonomous fleets. The key objective of this meeting is for the councillors to be able to relate Singapore's approach to projects in south-east Queensland such as metro, passenger rail and light rail.

The delegates will also look at the work of an engineering group in Singapore that is conducting autonomous bus trials to relate the program to trials in south-east Queensland.


Self-coded robots interacting with the public will be in the next wave of Singapore's healthcare and banking service.

The councillors will attend a meeting to interact with one of the robots and explore this technology.

Also at this meeting will be a demonstration to show the effects of cyber attacks.

It is understood the demonstration will involve a scale model of Singapore and show how with a mobile phone someone can hack into operating infrastructure to shut down an airport, change train signals or shut down pumps at a reservoir.

The meeting is designed to give the Queensland visitors an overview of the cyber security landscape and its importance to governments.


During a dinner meeting the south-east Queensland leaders will be given an overview of Singapore's iconic Marina Bay Sands development and its history.

This development will be related to the upcoming Queens Wharf Development and cruise ship developments in south-east Queensland.

The Queen's Wharf Development already has visual similarities to Marina Bay Sands.

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